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John Carpenter

John Carpenter's biography

John Carpenter is 74 years old film producer born at Carthage. He was born on Friday 16th of January 1948. He is often nicknamed as JC. According to year of birth 1948 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 16th of January means he is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.He was married 2 times.

John Carpenter's spouse

He is married to Sandy King

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. He is an adherent of atheism. His primary profession is to be film producer. You can know him also as film director, screenwriter, actor, composer, writer, film editor. He is recently known as film score composer.

John Carpenter's family

John Carpenter's spouse

John Carpenter's ex spouses

Adrienne Barbeau

John Carpenter and Adrienne Barbeau have been together since 1979 for 5 years. She is known as television actor. His ex spouse was born on Monday 11th of June 1945 in Sacramento.

He has 1 son.

John Carpenter's son: Cody Carpenter

John Carpenter's son's name is Cody Carpenter. He is known as composer. His son was born on Monday 7th of May 1984.

John Carpenter's schools

We found 3 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: University of Southern California, USC School of Cinematic Arts, Western Kentucky University.

John Carpenter's career

His main focus is to be film producer. Maybe you are curious what instrument does he play ? He plays piano.

What John Carpenter has done for a first time

  • Is an avid fan of the Godzilla films. He considers the first Godzilla movie (Godzilla (1954)) to be an inspiration for him.

John Carpenter's quotes

  • In France, I'm an auteur; in Germany, a filmmaker; in Britain; a genre film director; and, in the USA, a bum.
  • We're a violent country. We always have been. We embrace our individuality and our violence.
  • I don't deny that commercial success means a lot to me, the best reviews you can get are at the box office.
  • Movies are pieces of film stuck together in a certain rhythm, an absolute beat, like a musical composition. The rhythm you create affects the audience.
  • Hollywood is a weird place. The film industry has changed. Business is bad. Directors are treated like bums now. This is a bad time for creative people. Hollywood is a mean place to work. [1986]
  • Jeff Bridges is the greatest, as an actor and a person. He's the best actor of his generation, bar none.
  • I can play just about any keyboard but I can't read or write a note.
  • They Live (1988) was made as response to the horror of the Reagan years.
  • Everyone who ever made a low-budget film was influenced by Night of the Living Dead (1968).
  • [on making Halloween (1978)] When we needed kids walking down the street, anyone who had a family rounded up their kids. Everyone helped out - it was just the joy of making movies.
  • The trick with shooting a low-budget film is to shoot as little footage as possible and extend the scenes for as long as one can.
  • With the kinds of movies being made by studios today, there are very few low-budget films, and those are entrusted to young geniuses, not old guys like myself.
  • [responding to Debra Hill's remark in The Fog (1980) DVD commentary] I recycle all of Howard Hawks' films, Debra.
  • The Blair Witch Project (1999) is a movie that I really don't think ever had a director. It's one of the few movies I've ever seen that didn't have one.
  • The biggest lesson that I learned from film school was to try to get and maintain, if possible, final cut. Creative control is the essence of having the ability to make your own movie, and not someone else's.
  • I've never had any illusions about my musical abilities. I've got very basic musical chops, that's okay - I've proudly stretched them as far as I possibly could.
  • Critics have always shit upon my stuff - always, even the early stuff. And, frankly, I just didn't care. I just did the movies I wanted to make.
  • [on Halloween: Resurrection (2002)] I watched the one in that house, with all the cameras. Oh my god. Oh lord, god. And then the guy gives the speech at the end about violence. What the hell? Oh my lord. I couldn't believe it.
  • [2002, when asked, as a fan of westerns, why he never directed a one] You have to clean up all the horse shit after each shot.
  • [on the Thing credits sequence] I wanted to do something with the credit sequence but it didn't work out because of the DGA and the contract of having everybody's name linked to the title.
  • I don't revisit my own movies, I don't do that. It's ugh. I see too many mistakes when I look at my own films.
  • I'm open to directing, but I don't want to work as hard as I worked on Escape from L.A. and Ghosts of Mars. I worked very hard in those movies. I almost killed myself, and I didn't want to work that hard again.

John Carpenter's body shape

Lets describe how John Carpenter looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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