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Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg's biography

Jesse Eisenberg is 39 years old voice actor born on on Wednesday 5th of October 1983. According to year of birth 1983 he belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 5th of October means he is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

He is native american english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. He is an adherent of kristendomen: en historisk introduktion. His primary profession is to be voice actor. You can know him also as film actor, television actor, stage actor. He is recently known as actor.

Jesse Eisenberg's schools

We found 4 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: New School, New York University, Professional Performing Arts School, East Brunswick High School.

Jesse Eisenberg's career

His main focus is to be voice actor.

Awards and competitions

Jesse Eisenberg's Awards

  • He is the third Oscar nominated actor to play "Lex Luthor" after Gene Hackman and Kevin Spacey. He is the only one of the three not to have an Academy Award.

Jesse Eisenberg's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor for work The Social Network in 2010

What Jesse Eisenberg has done for a first time

  • Received his very first kiss from Jennifer Beals in Roger Dodger (2002).
  • He is five months younger than Henry Cavill, making him the first actor to play Lex Luthor who is younger than the actor playing Superman.
  • He is first cousin with Jamey Eisenberg, famous Fantasy Sports Writer.

Jesse Eisenberg's quotes

  • [My favorite website] is Geosense.net. It's a geography game. They actually kicked me off for writing "Sri Lanka" on their message boards. I guess it's a curse word on there?
  • [Interview with Stephen Whitty, August, 2011] I have a lot of personal anxieties. And I've realized that playing a character stuck in a life-or-death situation like this allows me to release those anxieties in a very healthful, cathartic way.
  • I always think that acting in the plays I've written is like the second most terrifying thing in the world, and the first most terrifying thing in the world is sitting at home and not doing it. As nerve-wracking as it is, I would feel worse not doing it.
  • [2007, on his career path] I've been lucky, but I feel like it's temporary luck.

Jesse Eisenberg's body shape

Lets describe how Jesse Eisenberg looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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