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Jeremy Brett

Jeremy Brett's biography

Jeremy Brett is 62 years old actor born at Berkswell. He was born on Friday 3rd of November 1933. According to year of birth 1933 he belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 3rd of November means he is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.He was married 2 times.

He is citizen of United Kingdom. His primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as writer, stage actor, film actor. He is recently known as television actor.

Jeremy Brett's family

Jeremy Brett's ex spouses

Anna Massey

Jeremy Brett and Anna Massey have been together since 1958 for 4 years. Anna is known as actor. His ex spouse was born on Wednesday 11th of August 1937 in Thakeham. His ex spouse died on Sunday 3rd of July 2011 in London. Anna Massey was 78 years old, when this happened.

Joan Wilson

Jeremy Brett and Joan Wilson have been together. She is known as television producer. His ex spouse was born on Saturday 3rd of November 1928 in Boston. His ex spouse died on Thursday 4th of July 1985 in Massachusetts General Hospital. Joan Wilson was 52 years old, when this happened.

Jeremy Brett's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Eton College, Central School of Speech and Drama.

Jeremy Brett's career

His main focus is to be actor.

Is Jeremy Brett gay ?

He is known to be bisexuality.

Jeremy Brett's partners

Paul Shenar

Jeremy Brett and Paul Shenar have been together. Paul is known as actor. His partner was born on Wednesday 12th of February 1936 in Milwaukee. His partner died on Wednesday 11th of October 1989 in West Hollywood. Paul Shenar was 56 years old, when this happened.

Gary Bond

Jeremy Brett and Gary Bond have been together since 1969 for 7 years. He is known as actor. His partner was born on Wednesday 7th of February 1940 in Alton. His partner died on Thursday 12th of October 1995 in Ealing. Gary Bond was 62 years old, when this happened.

How did Jeremy Brett die

He died on on Tuesday 12th of September 1995 when he was 62 years old at London. Jeremy Bretts death was caused by iatrogenic congestive cardiac failure. It happend like natural causes.

What Jeremy Brett has done for a first time

  • His father forbade him from using the family name on stage because he thought acting was a "dubious" profession. So Jeremy took his stage name from the label of his first suit, "Brett & Co."

Jeremy Brett's quotes

  • Maggie Smith used to have excellent skin. Have you seen her face lately? In a few more years, they'll have to unfold it to find out who she used to be.
  • People living in Hollywood have to stay home if they're in a foul mood; anything outside the home is potential publicity.
  • On Mad Dogs and Englishmen (1995) - "I was mad to do it, but I wanted to show the world that I was still alive and I could do other things apart from Sherlock Holmes. I hope they don't release it..."
  • "Audrey really is a darling. There's something wonderful about her that no man can explain, but every man can feel!" (speaking of working with Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady (1964)).
  • "Don't be too brave. Bravery is a fine thing on some occasions, but sometimes it can be quite a dangerous thing. The stiff upper lip is not always the best." - After his breakdown caused by the death of his wife.
  • I would love to do some comedy. To make people laugh is the greatest gift of all.
  • "I'm not looking and I don't go hunting. I'm the type who's got to be found." (on love)
  • Money to me is a very complicated game and I'm not very good at it. I try very hard, but I regard it merely as a necessary means to an end. I've no idea how to look after it.
  • I always read any reviews about my own work - I think it's important to know the worst!
  • Doing work you enjoy helps, too. I mean it helps if you can find a job that interests you enough so that each week when you're paid it seems like a minor miracle - and I've always been fortunate enough to do that.
  • The most important thing when you're working with greatness is to learn from it, not challenge it.
  • There is a tremendous delicacy in preserving Holmes in other people's imaginations because there are a million different ways of seeing him. You try not to interfere with anybody's image.
  • I think I prefer acting on stage; I like to see if the audience is enjoying itself.
  • "It was murder jumping about trying to have a good sword fight wearing all that heavy gear. And I felt such a nit anyway." (On playing d'Artagnan in The Three Musketeers (1966).)
  • "For a man who never existed it's extraordinary to celebrate a birthday." (on the play "The Secret of Sherlock Holmes", which was written to celebrate Holmes' 100th birthday)
  • "I knew at the end of 'The Final Problem' in '84 that she had cancer, and the lights really went out in my life. (about his wife Joan)
  • "You never get over a loss like that. You get used to it but you never get over it." (about losing his wife, Joan, to cancer)
  • (About his wife, Joan Wilson) "She saw me on stage in Design for Living and said, 'That's the man for me'. She organized the meeting and we married in 1976. We had a decade together...I loved her dearly, she was so beautiful and gutsy."
  • "They get obsessive, ringing me up, grabbing me. It can be quite disturbing..." (recalling the overly-obsessed female fans he encountered during the run of "The Secret of Sherlock Holmes")
  • I'm not a very physical person, really, I used to think it would do me a great deal of good to lift weights, but I gave it up when my neck started getting bigger than my head.
  • "I almost drowned in the pool because of the beauty of her." (Speaking of his co-star in War and Peace (1956), Audrey Hepburn).
  • To me, the Sherlock Holmes stories are about a great friendship. Without Watson, Holmes might well have burnt out on cocaine long ago. I hope the series shows how important friendship is.
  • "There may have been this beautiful girl, that he fell flat for, but she didn't look at him. So that broke his heart and he thought, 'Well, I'm not going to be rejected again,' so that's why he's the way he is." (On developing a past for Holmes)
  • When my three older brothers became a teacher, a painter, and an architect, I don't think my parents knew how I'd turn out!
  • I guess the only way I get things done is to do a *lot* of them! When I'm going at break-neck speed, I seem to get much more accomplished.
  • I would like to have been a soldier for a while for my father's sake, but I had rheumatic fever at sixteen and never saw any kind of military service. When I said I wanted to be an actor, it was the end. It was a great disappointment to my father.
  • Looking back, I'm very proud of what my parents did. They sacrificed a great deal.
  • (On his father's opposition to him becoming an actor) "My father thought any respectable middle-class boy shouldn't do a thing like that. He thought it was all drinking champagne out of slippers." (1976)
  • "When someone dies, people presume you are eligible again, but I'm not, really. And who's to choose who? With me, it's always been the lady." (February, 1991)
  • (on his role in War and Peace (1956)) "I was whisked off from Manchester to Rome and lived in a fantasy world for six months. At the end of the film there was talk of taking me to Hollywood to groom me to be a star.'
  • "And what is so extraordinary to me is that no one's done Doyle before, and I find that bewildering!" (November 1991 interview)
  • (about Edward Hardwicke) "So, he's the best to me, the best friend a man's ever had. I mean personally."
  • (on his stay at the hospital after his breakdown) "When I saw my son looking at me with tears in his eyes, I decided I would not let that happen again."
  • "I meditate and do yoga. I sit cross-legged and try not to levitate too much." (1991)
  • We are spiritual beings who can achieve all that we set out to do.
  • "She said she liked the way I changed weight from one leg to the other." - on his wife Joan seeing him for the first time on stage in 'Design for Living' (1973)
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Jeremy Brett's body shape

Lets describe how Jeremy Brett looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.