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Anna Massey

Anna Massey's biography

Anna Raymond Massey is 74 years old actor born at Thakeham. Anna was born on Wednesday 11th of August 1937. She is often nicknamed as Anna Raymond Massey, Anna Massey. According to year of birth 1937 Anna belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 11th of August means Anna is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

She is white british. She is citizen of United Kingdom. She is roman catholic. Anna´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as stage actor. Anna is recently known as film actor.

Anna Massey's dad

Anna Massey's father's name is Raymond Massey. Raymond is known as actor. Anna´s father was born on Sunday 30th of August 1896. Her father died on Friday 29th of July 1983 in Los Angeles. Raymond Massey was 46 years old, when this happened.

Anna Massey's mom

Anna Massey's mother's name is Adrianne Allen. She is known as stage actor. Anna´s mother was born on Thursday 7th of February 1907 in Manchester. Anna Massey was born when she was 30 years old. Her mother died on Tuesday 14th of September 1993 in Montreux. Adrianne Allen was 56 years old, when this happened.

Anna Massey's family

Anna Massey's ex husband

Jeremy Brett

Anna Massey and Jeremy Brett have been together since 1958 for 4 years. He is known as actor. Anna´s ex husband was born on Friday 3rd of November 1933 in Berkswell. Anna´s ex husband died on Tuesday 12th of September 1995 in London. Jeremy Brett was 58 years old, when this happened.

Anna Massey's career

Her main focus is to be actor.

Is Anna Massey gay ?

Anna is known to be straight.

How did Anna Massey die

She died on on Sunday 3rd of July 2011 when he was 74 years old at London. Anna Masseys death was caused by lung cancer. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Anna Massey's Awards

  • She was awarded the Laurence Olivier Theatre Award in 1983 (1982 season) for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for "The Importance of Being Earnest".
  • She was awarded the 1982 London Critics' Circle Theatre Award (Drama Theatre Award) for Best Supporting Actress of 1981 for her performance in 'A Kind of Alaska.".
  • She was awarded the CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in the 2005 Queen's New Year Honours List for her services to drama.
  • Won a Tony Award nomination as Best Supporting or Featured Actress (Dramatic) for "The Reluctant Debutante" in 1957 at the age of 19.
  • Was awarded the British Academy TV Award for Best Actress for her role in "Hotel du Lac" in 1986.

What else you don't know about Anna Massey ?

Anna´s middle name is Raymond.

Anna Massey's quotes

  • I think however old and blind and prune-like one may look, the spirit that goes on inside you stays young and flirtatious.
  • My education finished at fifteen; if I'd stayed at school I'm not sure I'd have become an actor.
  • Theatre eats up too much of your family life. I have a grandson and a husband and I'd rather I was able to be a granny and a wife.
  • Actors marrying each other is not a good idea.
  • I'm not instinctive. It takes enormous discipline and bravery to get me there [playing a role].
  • [on Alfred Hitchcock] He would always before a take tell you some dirty schoolboy joke. He did that to relax you because it relaxed him.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Anna Massey's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Anna Massey looks. We will focus on Anna´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Anna is tall as 5' 6" (168 cm). Body build is slim. Anna´s eyes are tinted grey. Anna´s hair is shade of brown - dark.