Jenny Shimizu's biography
Jenny Shimizu is 55 years old actor born at San Jose. She was born on Friday 16th of June 1967. According to year of birth 1967 she belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 16th of June means she is Gemini. Gemini is a dual sign of Zodiac Belt. One born with this rising sign is very dual and creative in nature with lots of verbosity. They are the most expressive people as they love talking.
She is native english speaker. She is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as model. She is recently known as film actor.
Jenny Shimizu's family
Jenny Shimizu's wife
She is known as actor. Her wife was born on Sunday 19th of June 1977 in Madrid.
Jenny Shimizu's ex wife
Jenny Shimizu's career
Her main focus is to be actor.
Is Jenny Shimizu gay ?
She is known to be lesbianism.
Jenny Shimizu's girlfriends
Angelina Jolie
Jenny Shimizu and Angelina Jolie have been together. Angelina is known as film actor. Her girlfriend was born on Wednesday 4th of June 1975 in Los Angeles.
Jenny Shimizu and Madonna have been together. She is known as film director. Her girlfriend was born on Saturday 16th of August 1958 in Bay City.
Jenny Shimizu's body shape
Lets describe how Jenny Shimizu looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.
Latest news about Jenny Shimizu
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