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James Haven

James Haven's biography

James Haven Voight is 49 years old television actor born at Los Angeles. James was born on Friday 11th of May 1973. James is often nicknamed as Jamie. According to year of birth 1973 James belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 11th of May means he is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.

James is native american english speaker. He is white american. He is citizen of United States of America. He is born-again christian. His primary profession is to be television actor. You can know him also as voice actor, film actor, screenwriter. He is recently known as film producer.

James Haven's dad

James Haven's father's name is Jon Voight. He is known as actor. His father was born on Thursday 29th of December 1938 in Yonkers.

James Haven's mom

James Haven's mother's name is Marcheline Bertrand. She is known as actor. His mother was born on Tuesday 9th of May 1950 in Blue Island. James Haven was born when she was 23 years old. His mother died on Saturday 27th of January 2007 in Los Angeles. Marcheline Bertrand was 34 years old, when this happened.

James Haven's family

James Haven's ex spouse

Ashley Reign

James Haven and Ashley Reign have been together. She is known as actor. James´s ex spouse was born on Friday 16th of March 1990 in Los Angeles.

James Haven's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: University of Southern California, USC School of Cinematic Arts.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Attended and graduated from Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California (1991).

James Haven's career

James´s main focus is to be television actor. James is famous thanks to Stay Alive.

Is James Haven gay ?

James is known to be bisexual.

Awards and competitions

James Haven's Awards

  • While attending USC, he received the George Lucas Award for directing a student film which included his sister Angelina Jolie.
  • At The 72nd Annual Academy Awards (2000) ceremony, he was the subject of controversy after he was kissed by his sister Angelina Jolie, who won for Best Supporting Actress in Girl, Interrupted (1999).

What else you don't know about James Haven ?

His middle name is Haven. James likes to spend time in: Los Angeles, New York, Malibu, Miami, Las Vegas, San Francisco, London.

James Haven's height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color

Lets describe how James Haven looks. We will focus on his height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color and shoe size. He is tall as 6' 1" (185 cm). He weights 180lbs (82 kg). Body build is athletic. His eyes are tinted grey. James´s hair is shade of brown - dark. If you are really curious, you may find interesting his shoe size is 11.