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James Gray

James Gray's biography

James Gray is 54 years old director born at New York. James was born on Saturday 30th of November 1968. According to year of birth 1968 James Gray belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 30th of November means James is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fiery sign of Zodiac Belt. These people are highly learned and love to gain knowledge throughout their life.

James´s ancestry is american.

James Gray's schools

Detailed informations about James´s schools

  • Graduated from USC School of Cinema-Television (1991)
  • Graduated from Kew-Forest School in Forest Hills, New York.

James Gray's career

James´s main focus is to be director.

Awards and competitions

James Gray's Awards

  • He directed 4 movies that were screened in competition at the Cannes Film Festival: The Yards (2000), We Own the Night (2007), Two Lovers (2008) and The Immigrant (2013). None of these movies received a single award from the jury.

What James Gray has done for a first time

  • For his first film - he was 25 years old - Little Odessa, he won the Silver Lion for his staging at the Venice Film Festival 1994. Vanessa Redgrave received for this film the prize for best supporting actress.

James Gray's quotes

  • I'm just not willing to give up on myself. If I'm going to fail, then I want to fail to the limits of my talent.
  • The idea that if your film takes place in 1988 it should only have music from 1988 shows a totally limited sense of history and how history is an accumulation of details. Is all your furniture from 2007?
  • Apparently I'm the dramatic version of Jerry Lewis. Someone wrote that I'm the object of Gallic fetish.
  • [on getting inspiration from the brawl scene in Rocco and His Brothers (1960) for The Yards (2000)] I ripped off [Alain] Delon. I wanted to recreate that scene even better.
  • [on the Oscars] It's like watching this huge, incredible party you haven't been invited to.
  • Unfortunately for critics and audiences alike I have made several films, and some films with really terrific actors. And I say this at my own peril, but Marion Cotillard is the best actor I've ever worked with.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

James Gray's body shape

Lets describe how James Gray looks. We will focus on James´s body shape. Body build is average.

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