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Jacqueline Fernandez

Jacqueline Fernandez's biography

Jacqueline Fernandez is 37 years old model born at Manama. She was born on Sunday 11th of August 1985. Jaqueline is often nicknamed as Jacky, Jacqueline Fernandez. According to year of birth 1985 she belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 11th of August means she is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

She is multiracial sri lankan. Jaqueline is citizen of Sri Lanka. She is christian. Her primary profession is to be model. You can know her also as film actor. Jaqueline is recently known as beauty pageant contestant.

Jacqueline Fernandez's schools

We found 1 school Jaqueline attended. Name of the school: University of Sydney.

Detailed informations about her schools

Jaqueline studied high school - Sacred Heart School.

Jaqueline studied university - Berlitz School of Languages, University of Sydney.

Jacqueline Fernandez's career

Jaqueline´s main focus is to be model. Jaqueline is famous thanks to Miss Sri Lanka-2006 Miss Universe Sri Lanka she represented her country at the 2006 world Miss Universe pageant.

Is Jacqueline Fernandez gay ?

Jaqueline is known to be straight.

What else you don't know about Jacqueline Fernandez ?

Jaqueline likes to spend time in: India.

Jacqueline Fernandez's height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color

Lets describe how Jacqueline Fernandez looks. We will focus on Jaqueline´s height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color and shoe size. She is tall as 5' 7" (170 cm). Jaqueline weights 126lbs (57 kg). Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted brown - dark. Jaqueline´s hair is shade of black. If you are really curious, you may find interesting her shoe size is 7.

Latest news about Jacqueline Fernandez

For the latest news - you can follow Jacqueline Fernandez on social networks.