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Jack Wild

Jack Wild's biography

Jack Wild is 54 years old television actor born at Royton. Jack was born on Tuesday 30th of September 1952. He is often nicknamed as Jack Wild. According to year of birth 1952 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 30th of September means Jack is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

He is white british. He is citizen of United Kingdom. His primary profession is to be television actor. You can know him also as film actor, singer. He is recently known as actor.

Jack Wild's schools

We found 1 school Jack attended. Name of the school: Barbara Speake Stage School.

Jack Wild's career

Jack´s main focus is to be television actor. Jack is famous thanks to Oliver!, H.R. Pufnstuf.

Is Jack Wild gay ?

Jack is known to be straight.

How did Jack Wild die

He died on on Wednesday 1st of March 2006 when he was 54 years old at Tebworth. Jack Wilds death was caused by (tongue and throat cancer). It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Jack Wild's Awards

  • Won the "8th Annual Gold Star Award" from "16" magazine as the "Best Movie Actor" and "Most Promising TV Star" of 1969.
  • Received a special tribute as part of the Annual Memorial tribute at The 79th Annual Academy Awards (2007).

Jack Wild's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for work Oliver! in 1968

Jack Wild's quotes

  • Until I was diagnosed with mouth cancer, I'd never heard of it. What I learned very quickly was that my lifestyle had made me a walking time bomb. I was a heavy smoker and an even heavier drinker and apparently together they are a deadly mixture.
  • I'm thought of as a celebrity. Everything I've ever done . . . has been for children. As long as I was working constantly, that was fine, because, although I don't have any children, I do relate better to them than adults.
  • I spent the seventies and eighties in a drunken haze.
  • I guess I'll go to my grave as the Dodger, but at least I've made my mark on show-business history. (1996)
  • You have to reach your own personal bottom line, and the time wasn't right for me at clinics. I joined Alcoholics Anonymous, and don't consider I have a drink problem any more. I might have a low-alcohol lager but that's all.
  • I'd definitely be up for EastEnders. Just the same as I would if Coronation Street was offered. Either way, it would be like going back to my roots.
  • There is no buzz like performing for a live audience.
  • I was never really sober. I just topped myself up every day.
  • I was smoking since I was twelve. The people around me - the agents, personal and business managers - could hardly say, "You can't have a drink." I was employing them, after all. By the time I was nineteen I thought I was God.
  • I was the leader of the gang and we got up to a lot of escapades for the whole year we were making it. But Carol Reed was an excellent director and he knew how to deal with us.
  • My parents were working-class and couldn't afford them. At 12, I was treated as an adult at "work" and it was difficult for me to switch from that role at home. I grew up too quickly.
  • A lot of people try to blame the fact that I was successful at a young age. I don't agree with them. I firmly believe that it wouldn't have mattered what career I'd have chosen, I'd have ended up with a drinking problem. I think it was just in my genes.
  • It's very hard not to let fame affect you because you are continually being told how good you are. After a while you begin to think there must be some truth in it because all those people can't be wrong.
  • I was so fuelled with drink and various other things, that I honestly can't recall much.

Jack Wild's height, body shape

Lets describe how Jack Wild looks. We will focus on his height, body shape and hair color. Jack is tall as 5' 5" (165 cm). Body build is average. His hair is shade of salt and pepper.

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