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George Kennedy

George Kennedy's biography

George Kennedy is 91 years old film actor born on on Wednesday 18th of February 1925. According to year of birth 1925 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 18th of February means he is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be film actor. You can know him also as stage actor, television actor, actor. He is recently known as military officer. He received Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor Cool Hand Luke in 1968

George Kennedy's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Tarleton State University, Chaminade High School.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Attended and graduated from Chaminade High School in Mineola, New York (1943) and John Tarleton Agricultural College (now Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas).

George Kennedy's career

His main focus is to be film actor. You could see him also in Cool Hand Luke.

How did George Kennedy die

He died on on Sunday 28th of February 2016 when he was 91 years old at Middleton. George Kennedys death was caused by natural causes. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

George Kennedy's Awards

  • He was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 6356 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on October 3, 1991.

George Kennedy's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor
  • He was nominated for Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actor for work Bolero in 1985

George Kennedy's quotes

  • When you think of a movie, most people imagine a two hour finished, polished product. But to get to that two hour product, it can take hundreds or thousands of people many months of full time work.
  • Of course, I also attribute some of my hearing loss to being in the infantry in World War II. It's probably a combination of heredity and noise exposure.
  • My father died when I was 4 years old, so I can't really say anything about his hearing.
  • I have been so fortunate and I really am appreciative of the success I've had.
  • I had the good fortune of speaking with Orson Welles many decades ago and he said "Success is primarily luck anyway." And I have been very lucky. Of course, Orson Welles was enormously talented and brilliant - so who am I to argue with him!
  • [on being cast in bad guy roles on television Westerns at the start of his acting career] The big guys were on television and they needed big lumps to eat up. All I had to do was show up on the set, and I got beaten up.

George Kennedy's body shape

Lets describe how George Kennedy looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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