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Gene Evans

Gene Evans's biography

Gene Evans is 76 years old actor born at Holbrook. He was born on Tuesday 11th of July 1922. According to year of birth 1922 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 11th of July means he is Cancer. Cancer is a watery sign. They are very friendly and show motherly love to everyone. According to ascendant calculator, an important trait of these natives is their sensitive nature.

He is native english speaker. His ancestry is american. Gene is citizen of United States of America. Gene´s primary profession is to be actor. Gene is recently known as television actor.

Gene Evans's career

Gene´s main focus is to be actor.

How did Gene Evans die

He died on on Wednesday 1st of April 1998 when he was 76 years old at Jackson. Gene Evanss death was caused by heart failure.

Gene Evans's quotes

  • [on Samuel Fuller] Sammy was a funny guy to go around with. He could be in his own world; you know, in a fog about things other people found very normal.
  • [on Ace in the Hole (1951)] It was beautifully done, but did not do well because it turned people off.
  • I was never a movie star. A star's like the world champion, who fights once or twice a year because that's all he has to do. I was more like a club fighter, who had to fight at least once a month or he will starve to death.
  • When [The Steel Helmet (1951)] came out with me in the leading role, Billy Wilder bumped into me at the studio and said, "You did it, you son of a gun--I knew you could or I never would have recommended you".
  • I never turned much down. At first I was serious about my work, then it came to me that unless you were working for one of the big studios you weren't going to win awards or be taken too seriously.

Gene Evans's body shape

Lets describe how Gene Evans looks. We will focus on Gene´s body shape. Body build is average.

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