Geli Raubal's biography
According to year of birth 1908 she belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 4th of June means she is Gemini. Gemini is a dual sign of Zodiac Belt. One born with this rising sign is very dual and creative in nature with lots of verbosity. They are the most expressive people as they love talking.
She is native german speaker. She is citizen of Austria-Hungary.
Geli Raubal's mom
Geli Raubal's mother's name is Angela Hitler.
Geli Raubal's schools
We found 1 school She attended. Name of the school: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Geli Raubal's partners
Adolf Hitler
Geli Raubal and Adolf Hitler have been together. He is known as soldier. Her partner was born on Saturday 20th of April 1889. Her partner died on Monday 30th of April 1945. Adolf Hitler was 37 years old, when this happened.
Emil Maurice
Geli Raubal and Emil Maurice have been together.
How did Geli Raubal die
She died on on Friday 18th of September 1931 when he was only 23 years old. Geli Raubals death was caused by ballistic trauma. It happend like suicide.
Geli Raubal's body shape
Lets describe how Geli Raubal looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.