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Gail Fisher

Gail Fisher's biography

Gail Ann Fisher is 65 years old model born at Orange. She was born on Sunday 18th of August 1935. According to year of birth 1935 she belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 18th of August means she is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

She is native english speaker. She is black american. She is citizen of United States of America. Gail´s primary profession is to be model. You can know her also as stage actor, film actor, television actor. Gail is recently known as actor. She received Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Mannix in 1970

Gail Fisher's schools

We found 2 schools Gail attended. Complete list of schools: American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Metuchen High School.

Gail Fisher's career

Her main focus is to be model. Gail is famous thanks to Mannix.

Is Gail Fisher gay ?

Gail is known to be straight.

How did Gail Fisher die

She died on on Saturday 2nd of December 2000 when he was 65 years old at Culver City. Gail Fishers death was caused by kidney failure. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Gail Fisher's Awards

  • In 1970 she became the very first African-American actress to win an Emmy award for acting, when she received the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series for her role as Peggy Fair in "Mannix".
  • One of TV's most visible black actors of the late 1960s, Gail was nominated for four Emmy Awards for her stylish secretary, winning once, and for three Golden Globe Awards, winning twice.

What Gail Fisher has done for a first time

  • In 1970 she became the very first African-American actress to win an Emmy award for acting, when she received the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series for her role as Peggy Fair in "Mannix".
  • Had two daughters by her first husband: Samara and Jole.
  • Became one of the first black actresses to appear in a national TV commercial with speaking lines when she did an ad for All detergent in 1961.
  • Landed her first television appearance at age 25 in the 1960 syndicated program, "Play of the Week".
  • Gail was only the second black woman, the first being Nichelle Nichols of "Star Trek," cast as a regular character in a dramatic hour-long network series.

Gail Fisher's quotes

  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Gail Fisher's body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Gail Fisher looks. We will focus on her body shape, eye color and hair color. Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted black. Her hair is shade of black.