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F.W. Murnau

F.w. Murnau's biography

According to year of birth 1888 F.W. Murnau belongs to Lost Generation. Birthday on 28th of December means F.W. Murnau is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

How did F.w. Murnau die

F.W. Murnau died on on Wednesday 11th of March 1931 when he was 43 years old. F.w. Murnaus death was caused by road accident.

Awards and competitions

F.w. Murnau's Awards

  • Directed one Academy Award-winning performance: Janet Gaynor in Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927).
  • Two of his films won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography: Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) and Tabu: A Story of the South Seas (1931). His film 4 Devils (1928) was nominated for the award but didn't win.

F.w. Murnau's Rankings

  • His Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)--considered one of the masterpieces of American cinema--was voted the fifth greatest film of all time in "Sight & Sound"'s 2012 critics poll. It's the highest-ranked silent film on the list.

What F.w. Murnau has done for a first time

  • A pilot in the German Air Force during World War I, he went back to Germany after the war and entered the film business. The first movie Murnau directed was Emerald of Death (1919) with Ernst Hofmann and Margit Barnay.
  • Nosferatu (music by Hans Erdmann) and Faust (music by Werner R. Heymann) were two of the first films to feature original film scores.

F.w. Murnau's quotes

  • Don't act - think!
  • I think films of the future will use more and more of these "camera angles" or, as I prefer to call them, these "dramatic angles". They help photograph thought.[1928]
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

F.w. Murnau's body shape

Lets describe how F.w. Murnau looks. We will focus on F.W. Murnau's body shape. Body build is average.