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Eloise Christina Schwarzenegger Pratt

Eloise Christina Schwarzenegger Pratt's biography

Eloise Christina Schwarzenegger Pratt's dad

Eloise Christina Schwarzenegger Pratt's father's name is Chris Pratt. He is known as actor. Her father was born on Thursday 21st of June 1979 in Virginia.

Eloise Christina Schwarzenegger Pratt's mom

Eloise Christina Schwarzenegger Pratt's mother's name is Katherine Schwarzenegger. She is known as writer. Her mother was born on Wednesday 13th of December 1989 in Los Angeles. Eloise Christina Schwarzenegger Pratt was born when she was 1989 years old.

Eloise Christina Schwarzenegger Pratt's body shape

Lets describe how Eloise Christina Schwarzenegger Pratt looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.