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Eduardo Noriega

Eduardo Noriega's biography

Eduardo Noriega is often nicknamed as Edu. According to year of birth 1973 Eduardo Noriega belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 1st of August means Eduardo Noriega is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

Eduardo Noriega's schools

Detailed informations about Eduardo Noriega's schools

  • Attended a private Catholic school for men.

Awards and competitions

Eduardo Noriega's Awards

  • Was granted the "Florián Rey Award" in Zaragoza, Spain. [May 2012]

What Eduardo Noriega has done for a first time

  • Was cast to play Che Guevara in Josh Evans first movie, because Evan's mother Ali MacGraw saw Noriega's picture on a magazine and picked him herself. Later, he was interviewed by Evans and got the part.
  • First Spanish actor to play Che Guevara.
  • The first movie he ever saw on VCR was E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) in 1983.

Eduardo Noriega's quotes

  • I've always felt very well taken care of in Buenos Aires. Every time I went there. So, I'll probably go again on vacation or to promote a movie.
  • I wouldn't change Cantabria for any other place in the world.
  • [on other people using his name on twitter] I had to get out of the twitter closet due to impersonation problems.
  • When I was a little boy, I loved watching Marilyn Monroe's and Paul Newman's films, but today, I'm amazed by Javier Bardem's talent.
  • [when asked about his upcoming TV series "Homicidios"] If I had to be a serial killer, I'd be the one from A Clockwork Orange (1971)
  • I wanna keep on shooting in Argentina and the rest of Latin America, USA, France, Spain. I hope I can keep on doing what I've been doing so far: Movies in different languages and genres.
  • [when asked about his upcoming TV series "Homicidios"] If I had to be a serial killer, I'd be the one from A Clockwork Orange (1971).
  • [on working with him in The Last Stand (2013)] One of the good things about working with Arnold Schwarzenegger is that I'll be able to pronounce and spell his name correctly at last.
  • [after being asked what he'd like to be asked] Exactly that! Thank you.
  • I'd love to make a biographical movie of Chopin. That would be a wonderful excuse to play piano again.
  • Every time it's said that Messi is in crisis, he lands four goals. (20 Feb. 2012)
  • It will be very difficult for Barcelona FC to win any cup this year, but Gosh! It's wonderful to see them play! (17 March, 2012)
  • Beauty sells, even if it's something subjective, and so does youth. But youth has not value alone.
  • Ethics set boundaries that must never be crossed. Ethics must be poured in everything we do in our life.
  • Actors always work with our memory, and it shows. That's why we must work it out very often.
  • I've got the feeling that we always remember that thing that shocked us. A memory always hides an emotion.
  • I'm very grateful for having started my career with Amenábar.
  • When the Open Your Eyes (1997) script got to my hands, I was shocked by its complexity, but I couldn't stop reading it.
  • [on Open Your Eyes (1997)] Someone told me once: If there weren't challenges, life would be boring", that's why I decided to take the chance and play this very important role.
  • [on Open Your Eyes (1997)] The movie shows how your looks can determinate a temper.
  • You have to be aware of what might happen, but sometimes you need to forget it because you have to live and things to do. When you're 20, you think that nothing bad can happen to you, until it happens to someone close to you, then you realize.
  • My character in Open Your Eyes (1997) is an egocentric guy whose life's gonna change and will end up signing a contract with the Devil.
  • When we made Thesis (1996) and Open Your Eyes (1997) guessed Amenábar's talent.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Eduardo Noriega's body shape

Lets describe how Eduardo Noriega looks. We will focus on Eduardo Noriega's body shape. Body build is average.