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Divine's biography

Harris Glen Milstead is -34 years old actor born at Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Divine was born on Wednesday 19th of October 2022. Divine is often nicknamed as Divine, Divvie, Lady Divine, Glen Milstead. According to year of birth 2022 Divine belongs to Generation Alpha. Birthday on 19th of October means Divine is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

Divine is white american.

Divine's career

Divine´s main focus is to be actor. Divine is famous thanks to Known For the films: Pink Flamingos (1972), Female Trouble (1974), Polyester (1981), Hairspray (1988).

Is Divine gay ?

Divine is known to be gay.

How did Divine die

Divine died on on Monday 7th of March 1988 when he was 34 years old. Divines death was caused by respiratory failure (caused by sleep apnea and obesity).

Awards and competitions

Divine's Nominations

  • Was one of the 250 male nominees of the AFI top 50 stars.

What Divine has done for a first time

  • When first creating his alter ego, Divine told make-up artist friend Van Smith that he wanted a look that was a cross between Jayne Mansfield and Clarabell the Clown from The Howdy Doody Show (1947).

Divine's quotes

  • "All my life I wanted to look like Elizabeth Taylor. Now Elizabeth Taylor looks like me".
  • "He's one of my finest leading ladies" - Tab Hunter [who co-starred with Divine in Polyester (1981)].
  • People who used to make fun are now fans. I had the last laugh.
  • Of course the last thing my parents wanted was a son who wears a cocktail dress that glitters, but they've come around to it.
  • My favorite part of dressing in drag is getting out of it. Drag is my work clothes. I only put it on when someone pays me to.
  • I think I've always been respectable. What I do onstage is not what I do in my private life... It's an act... It's how I make my living. People laugh, and it's not hurting anyone.
  • [on Pink Flamingos (1972)'s infamous final scene]: I followed that dog around for three hours just zooming in on its asshole.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Divine's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Divine looks. We will focus on Divine's height, body shape, eye color and hair color. Divine is tall as 6' 2" (188 cm). Body build is large. Divine's eyes are tinted blue. Divine´s hair is shade of grey.