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David Wenham

David Wenham's biography

David Wenham is 57 years old stage actor born at Australia. He was born on Tuesday 21st of September 1965. He is often nicknamed as Daisy. According to year of birth 1965 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 21st of September means he is Virgo. Virgo is an earthy sign of Zodiac Belt. People born under this Rising Sign are practical in nature. They believe in reality and represents themselves as a strong person.

He is citizen of Australia. His primary profession is to be stage actor. You can know him also as film actor, film director, film producer, television actor. He is recently known as voice actor.

David Wenham's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Western Sydney University.

David Wenham's career

His main focus is to be stage actor.

Awards and competitions

David Wenham's Awards

  • In 1999 he presented the Village Roadshow Pictures Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
  • 2003 Green Room Award nominee for his work in an Australian stage production of "True West."

David Wenham's Nominations

  • Although he only appears in two of the Lord of the Rings films, he appeared in a Best Picture nominee for three years in a row. In 2001, it was Moulin Rouge. In 2002 and 2003, they were The Two Towers and The Return of the King.
  • 2003 Green Room Award nominee for his work in an Australian stage production of "True West."

David Wenham's quotes

  • I like cooking, but I like other people cooking more.
  • My life at the moment is a bit like my wardrobe. Organised chaos.
  • I used to do impersonations: Harry Butler in the wild, or I'd do Gough Whitlam.
  • I think actors do make really, really wonderful directors.
  • I have a sort of long-term plan to direct. I'm pragmatic about it. I realize I don't need to rush it or force it.
  • I do regard myself as very lucky.
  • Australia is a phenomenally beautiful country, and every time I go away and come back, it never ceases to amaze me.
  • Well you just have to own it, I suppose. Own the character, which is difficult.
  • Some people would say I've made it now.
  • I've ended up spending more time in front of a camera than on stage, but the stage is where I come from.
  • I'm becoming a frustrated director, I think, in an actor's body.
  • I would love to direct a feature and have Robert Connolly produce it. That would be really fab.
  • I think you have to find the humanity in the character and then the deterioration is a part of the process - the journey of the character. It's like playing King Lear. You can start off as a nice old man who finishes up crazy.
  • Hollywood's a big place, and they make all sorts of different movies. Some movies I'm attracted to; a lot of the movies I'm not. But there are some terrifically talented people over there that I'd love to work with.
  • As we mature and grow older we collect a lot of baggage, and a lot of that stuff you collect on life's journey gets in the way of acting. My kids can imagine a character and transform in the blink of an eye. It's so simple for kids, so complex for adults.
  • Acting, to me, is being given the freedom and ability to play, and that's - that's what I love most about it. I feel very comfortable in playing, whether it be in front of a camera or on stage.
  • Listening and hearing are two different things, and acting is comprehending what the person is saying, thinking how it makes you feel and responding. That's the key to really honest, truthful, compelling performance.
  • In very general terms 'Top Of The Lake' is about good and evil. It's a deep dark mystery. It also deals with lots of fascinating human relationships, and it's also about the battle of the sexes.
  • I'd love to work with the people who really got the film industry going again through the '70s: Peter Weir, Bruce Beresford, Gillian Armstrong, Fred Schepisi.
  • My representation overseas can't stand me doing theatre because it takes me out of action. But it's what I want to do. If it means passing up other possibilities, them's the breaks.
  • My biggest ambition when I was younger was to appear on stage at what was then Nimrod, which is the theatre where my father used to take me on Sunday afternoons to see matinées. The most extraordinary things used to occur on that stage.
  • You can't manufacture a career as an actor because you aren't in control of what projects come to you, unless you are No. 1, two, three or four in the world.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

David Wenham's body shape

Lets describe how David Wenham looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.