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David Warner

David Warner's biography

David is often nicknamed as David Hattersley Warner, David Warner. Birthday on 29th of July means David Warner is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

David Warner is white british. David Warner is jewish.

Detailed informations about David Warner's schools

David Warner studied university - Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts.

David Warner's career

David´s main focus is to be actor. David Warner is famous thanks to his roles as Gul Madred in Star Trek: The Next Generation franchise and as Dr. Francis Mead in the 2004 film Ladies in Lavender.

Is David Warner gay ?

David Warner is known to be straight.

How did David Warner die

David Warner died on on Sunday 24th of July 2022 when he was only 0 years old. David Warners death was caused by cancer.

Awards and competitions

David Warner's Awards

  • Had appeared in two Best Picture Academy Award winners: Tom Jones (1963) and Titanic (1997). Chosen by Tony Richardson for his role in Tom Jones (1963) after the director enjoyed his performance in the play "Afore the Night" (1962).

What else you don't know about David Warner ?

David´s middle name is Hattersley.

What David Warner has done for a first time

  • By appearing on Batman: The Animated Series (1992), he became the first actor to play the villain Ra's-Al-Ghul. To date, he has been succeeded by Ken Watanabe, Liam Neeson and Matt Nable.
  • Had worked with James Cromwell in The Man with Two Brains (1983). Both stars appeared in the very popular Star Trek series. Warner appeared in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) and Cromwell appeared in Star Trek: First Contact (1996).

David Warner's quotes

  • [on The Omen (1976)] I never saw it as a horror movie.
  • It's all out of one's hands. One goes and does one's best. That's what Albert Finney says -- one main hit, that's all you can hope for.

David Warner's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how David Warner looks. We will focus on David Warner's height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. David Warner is tall as 6' 2" (188 cm). David Warner weights 143lbs (65 kg). Body build is average. David Warner's eyes are tinted blue. David´s hair is shade of blonde.