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Daniel Massey

Daniel Massey's biography

Daniel Massey is 65 years old stage actor born at Westminster. He was born on Tuesday 10th of October 1933. According to year of birth 1933 he belongs to Silent Generation. Birthday on 10th of October means he is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.He was married 2 times.

He is citizen of United Kingdom. His primary profession is to be stage actor. You can know him also as film actor. He is recently known as television actor. He received Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture Star! in 1968

Daniel Massey's dad

Daniel Massey's father's name is Raymond Massey. He is known as actor. His father was born on Sunday 30th of August 1896. His father died on Friday 29th of July 1983 in Los Angeles. Raymond Massey was 50 years old, when this happened.

Daniel Massey's mom

Daniel Massey's mother's name is Adrianne Allen. She is known as stage actor. His mother was born on Thursday 7th of February 1907 in Manchester. Daniel Massey was born when she was 26 years old. His mother died on Tuesday 14th of September 1993 in Montreux. Adrianne Allen was 60 years old, when this happened.

Daniel Massey's family

Daniel Massey's ex spouses

Penelope Wilton

Daniel Massey and Penelope Wilton have been together since 1975 for 9 years. Penelope is known as television actor. His ex spouse was born on Monday 3rd of June 1946 in Scarborough.

Adrienne Corri

Daniel Massey and Adrienne Corri have been together since 1961 for 6 years. She is known as stage actor. His ex spouse was born on Thursday 13th of November 1930 in Glasgow. His ex spouse died on Sunday 13th of March 2016 in London. Adrienne Corri was 83 years old, when this happened.

Daniel Massey's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Eton College, King's College.

Daniel Massey's career

His main focus is to be stage actor. He is also a member of Royal Shakespeare Company.

How did Daniel Massey die

He died on on Wednesday 25th of March 1998 when he was 65 years old at London. Daniel Masseys death was caused by hodgkin's disease. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Daniel Massey's Awards

  • Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner for Star! (1968), in which he played Noël Coward, his real-life godfather.
  • He was awarded a Laurence Olivier Theatre Award in 1982 (1981 season) for Best Actor in a Revival for "Man and Superman".
  • He was awarded the 1995 London Critics Circle Theatre Award (Drama Theatre) for Best Actor for his performance in Taking Sides.

Daniel Massey's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for work Star! in 1968
  • He was nominated for Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture for work Star! in 1968
  • He was nominated for Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year – Actor for work Star! in 1968

What Daniel Massey has done for a first time

  • Was educated at Eton and Cambridge University, where he first acted in amateur plays and revues. Made his Broadway debut in 1956 and had a long career as a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal National Theatre.

Daniel Massey's body shape

Lets describe how Daniel Massey looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.