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Clarke Peters

Clarke Peters's biography

Peter Clarke is 70 years old actor born at New York City. He was born on Monday 7th of April 1952. According to year of birth 1952 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 7th of April means Clarke is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

He is native english speaker. He is black american. Clarke is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as writer, singer, stage actor, television actor, film actor, theatrical director. He is recently known as screenwriter.

Clarke Peters's family

He has 1 son.

Clarke Peters's son: Joe Jacobs

Clarke Peters's son's name is Joe Jacobs. He is known as actor. Clarke´s son was born in 1983.

Clarke Peters's schools

We found 1 school Clarke attended. Name of the school: Dwight Morrow High School.

Clarke Peters's career

Clarke´s main focus is to be actor. He is famous thanks to The Wire.

Awards and competitions

Clarke Peters's Awards

  • He was nominated for a 1999 Laurence Olivier Theatre Award for the 1998 season for Best Actor in a Musical for "Chicago!".
  • Was nominated for Broadway's 1992 Tony Award as Best Book (Musical) for "Five Guy Named Moe."
  • His musical revue, "Five Guys Named Moe," at the Court Theatre in Chicago, Illinois was nominated for a 2018 Joseph Jefferson Equity Award for Large Musical or Revue Production and Musical or Revue Ensemble.

Clarke Peters's Nominations

  • Clarke was nominated for NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for work Treme in 2013

Clarke Peters's quotes

  • On playing Daryl Van Horne in a touring company of "The Witches of Eastwick": It's a double-edged sword. It's good for the career, but some people said 'The black guy's the Devil!' I was like, 'The black guy's working!'
  • I'm here [in London] because theatre is a part of your culture. Our points of reference in America aren't steeped in literature, they're steeped in that five minutes between commercials.
  • Everyone said: 'The Wire (2002)'s hot, you should go to LA.' But when I got out there I just thought, 'This is a bunch of dimwits here. Let me get back to London, man, back to some theatre.' I didn't realise how spoilt I was.
  • [on how the variety of parts that come his way has expanded as he's grown older] - I think it's because I'm older. Of course, wisdom doesn't always come with age. But it can look like that.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Clarke Peters's body shape, hair color

Lets describe how Clarke Peters looks. We will focus on Clarke´s body shape, hair color. Body build is average. Clarke´s hair is shade of black.

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