Brigitte Liefers-Wähner's biography
Brigitte Liefers-Wähner is 78 years old actor born at Dresden. She was born in 1944. According to year of birth 1944 she belongs to Silent Generation.
Brigitte Liefers-Wähner's family
Brigitte Liefers-Wähner's ex spouse
Karlheinz Liefers
Brigitte Liefers-Wähner and Karlheinz Liefers have been together. He is known as actor. Her ex spouse was born on Wednesday 6th of August 1941 in Döbeln. Her ex spouse died on Saturday 21st of January 2006 in Berlin. Karlheinz Liefers was 62 years old, when this happened.
She has 1 son.
Brigitte Liefers-Wähner's son: Jan Josef Liefers
Brigitte Liefers-Wähner's son's name is Jan Josef Liefers. He is known as stage actor. Her son was born on Saturday 8th of August 1964 in Dresden.
Brigitte Liefers-Wähner's career
Her main focus is to be actor.
Brigitte Liefers-Wähner's body shape
Lets describe how Brigitte Liefers-Wähner looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.