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Brad Renfro

Brad Renfro's biography

Brad Barron Renfro is 26 years old actor born at Knoxville. Brad was born on Sunday 25th of July 1982. Brad is often nicknamed as Fro, Pagey, Renfreak. According to year of birth 1982 he belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 25th of July means he is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

Brad is native english speaker. He is white american. Brad is citizen of United States of America. Brad´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know him also as musician, screenwriter, film producer. He is recently known as television actor.

Brad Renfro's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Central High School.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Until he was discovered and cast in The Client (1994), he attended Fountain City Elementary School in Knoxville, Tennesee.

Brad Renfro's career

His main focus is to be actor. Brad is famous thanks to Mark Sway In The Client (1994),Todd Bowden In Apt Pupil (1998), Marty Puccio In Bully (2001)..

Is Brad Renfro gay ?

He is known to be straight.

How did Brad Renfro die

He died on on Tuesday 15th of January 2008 when he was only 26 years old at Los Angeles. Brad Renfros death was caused by acute heroin/morphine intoxication.

Awards and competitions

Brad Renfro's Awards

  • Won the "Hollywood Reporter's Young Star Award" in 1995.

What else you don't know about Brad Renfro ?

Brad´s middle name is Barron. Brad likes to spend time in: Knoxville, Tn.

Brad Renfro's quotes

  • Everybody thinks I'm, like, a bad boy. I've had my day, but I just sit at home and play the blues mostly.
  • [a plea to his fans] If you've never tried drugs, DON'T. And if you have, pray.
  • I choose films for their artistic value. I don't need a mansion or a Jaguar. When I leave this Earth, I won't take any money with me. All I will leave behind will be my art.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Brad Renfro's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Brad Renfro looks. We will focus on his height, body shape, eye color and hair color. He is tall as 5' 8" (173 cm). Body build is average. His eyes are tinted brown - light. His hair is shade of brown - light.