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Ben Stiller

Ben Stiller's biography

Benjamin Edward Meara Stiller is 57 years old screenwriter born at New York City. He was born on Tuesday 30th of November 1965. Benjamin is often nicknamed as Ben Stiller, Ben, Benjamin Edward Meara Stiller, Benjamin Edward Stiller. According to year of birth 1965 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 30th of November means Benjamin is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fiery sign of Zodiac Belt. These people are highly learned and love to gain knowledge throughout their life.

Benjamin is native english speaker. He is white american. Benjamin is citizen of United States of America. Benjamin is jewish. His primary profession is to be screenwriter. You can know Benjamin also as film producer, actor, television actor, film actor, film director, voice actor, writer, character actor, comedian, director, manufacturer. He is recently known as Trekkie.

Ben Stiller's dad

Ben Stiller's father's name is Jerry Stiller. He is known as actor. His father was born on Wednesday 8th of June 1927 in Brooklyn. Benjamin´s father died on Monday 11th of May 2020 in Manhattan. Jerry Stiller was 55 years old, when this happened.

Ben Stiller's mom

Ben Stiller's mother's name is Anne Meara. Anne is known as stage actor. Benjamin´s mother was born on Friday 20th of September 1929 in Brooklyn. Ben Stiller was born when she was 36 years old. His mother died on Saturday 23rd of May 2015 in Manhattan. Anne Meara was 50 years old, when this happened.

Ben Stiller's family

Ben Stiller's ex wife

Christine Taylor

Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor have been together since 2000 for 17 years. She is known as television actor. Benjamin´s ex wife was born on Friday 30th of July 1971 in Allentown.

Benjamin has 1 son.

Ben Stiller's son: Quinn Dempsey Stiller

Ben Stiller's son's name is Quinn Dempsey Stiller. He is known as actor. His son was born on Sunday 10th of July 2005 in Los Angeles.

Ben Stiller's schools

We found 4 schools Benjamin attended. Complete list of schools: University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television, Calhoun School, Cathedral School of St. John the Divine.

Detailed informations about Benjamin´s schools

  • Attended UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television.

Ben Stiller's career

Benjamin´s main focus is to be screenwriter. Benjamin is famous thanks to his roles as Ted Stroehmann in the 1998 Farrelly Brothers romantic comedy film There's Something About Mary, Greg Focker in the Meet the Parents film franchise, and Larry Daley in Shawn Levy's Night at the Museum film trilogy.

Is Ben Stiller gay ?

He is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Ben Stiller's Awards

  • Hosted the MTV Movie Awards in 1996 along with Janeane Garofalo

Ben Stiller's Rankings

  • Ranked #78 in Premiere's 2003 annual Power 100 List. Had ranked #68 in 2002 and #80 in 2001.
  • 2007 - Ranked #20 on EW's The 50 Smartest People in Hollywood.

What else you don't know about Ben Stiller ?

His middle name is Edward.

What Ben Stiller has done for a first time

  • One of his first showbiz jobs was working as an intern on the Alan Thicke show Thicke of the Night (1983).
  • Longtime friend of actor Anthony Barrile. They met at 12 years old as members of First All Children's Theatre Company in New York City, where they were among the 'Meri-Mini Players'.

Ben Stiller's quotes

  • If my parents were, like, plumbers, who knows what I would be doing?
  • There's an old saying in Hollywood: It's not the length of your film, it's how you use it.
  • I have no problem with straight actors playing gay, but I always feel like I can tell. Does that sound horrible?
  • I have not been an easygoing guy. I think it's called bipolar manic depression. I've got a rich history of that in my family. Our family has publicly gone into therapy, so that's out in the open.
  • I pay a huge chunk of money to my agent and publicity people to shield me from my fan mail. I don't even want to know how many letters I get. I don't see fan mail as a good thing. It always makes me think of stalkers.
  • Normally, people tend to shut off their ambitions and competitive thinking because it doesn't help them much in normal life. But in the movie business you've constantly got to prove yourself. So I can be a real asshole on the set sometimes.
  • [on Zoolander (2001)] It wasn't a big hit. It came out 10 days after 9/11, so a strange time to release a movie but I'm not sure it wouldn't have been any bigger at any other time.
  • What I really like about directing is that it's easier, a different pressure.

Ben Stiller's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Ben Stiller looks. We will focus on his height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. He is tall as 5' 7" (170 cm). He weights 154lbs (70 kg). Body build is slim. His eyes are tinted blue. Benjamin´s hair is shade of brown - dark.

Latest news about Ben Stiller

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