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Ann Sheridan

Ann Sheridan's biography

Clara Lou Sheridan is 52 years old actor born at Denton. She was born on Sunday 21st of February 1915. Ann is often nicknamed as The "Oomph Girl", Clara Lou Sheridan, Ann Sheridan. According to year of birth 1915 she belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 21st of February means Ann is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.She was married 2 times.

Ann is native english speaker. She is white american. Ann is citizen of United States of America. Ann´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know Ann also as television actor. She is recently known as film actor.

Ann Sheridan's family

Ann Sheridan's ex husbands

George Brent

Ann Sheridan and George Brent have been together since 1942 for a year. He is known as actor. Ann´s ex husband was born on Wednesday 15th of March 1899 in Shannonbridge. Ann´s ex husband died on Saturday 26th of May 1979 in Solana Beach. George Brent was 64 years old, when this happened.

Edward Norris

Ann Sheridan and Edward Norris have been together since 1936 for 2 years. He is known as actor. Ann´s ex husband was born on Friday 10th of March 1911 in Philadelphia. Her ex husband died on Wednesday 18th of December 2002 in Fort Bragg. Edward Norris was 87 years old, when this happened.

Ann Sheridan's schools

We found 2 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: University of North Texas, Denton High School.

Detailed informations about her schools

Ann studied university - North Texas State Teacher's College.

Ann Sheridan's career

Ann´s main focus is to be actor. Ann is famous thanks to Torrid Zone. You could see her also in Kings Row.

Is Ann Sheridan gay ?

She is known to be straight.

How did Ann Sheridan die

She died on on Saturday 21st of January 1967 when he was 52 years old. Ann Sheridans death was caused by cancer. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Ann Sheridan's Awards

  • Was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 7024 Hollywood Blvd. on 2/8/60.
  • Was a presenter at the 1947 Academy Awards. She presented the Oscar for Best Cinematography, Black-and-White, to Arthur C. Miller for his work on Anna and the King of Siam (1946).
  • Only appeared in one Best Picture Academy Award nominated film: Kings Row (1942).

What else you don't know about Ann Sheridan ?

Her middle name is Lou. She likes to spend time in: Mexico.

What Ann Sheridan has done for a first time

  • Was Frank Capra's first choice for the role of Ann Mitchell in Meet John Doe (1941), but she was vetoed by Warner Brothers in a contract dispute.

Ann Sheridan's quotes

  • I used to go to Grauman's Chinese or Pantages and sit there waiting to see my faceless body on the screen. Texas began to look awfully near and awfully good, and "Clara Lou" had a sweet sound to my ears.
  • I can whistle through my fingers, bulldog a steer, light a fire with two sticks, shoot a pistol with fair accuracy, set type, and teach school . . .
  • [on Errol Flynn] He was one of the wild characters of the world, but he had a strange, quiet side. He camouflaged himself completely. In all the years I knew him, I never really knew what lay underneath and I doubt if many people did.

Ann Sheridan's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Ann Sheridan looks. We will focus on Ann´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. She is tall as 5' 5½" (166 cm). Body build is slim. Ann´s eyes are tinted hazel. Ann´s hair is shade of red.