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Amanda Holden

Amanda Holden's biography

Amanda Louise Holden is 51 years old actor born at Bishop's Waltham. Amanda was born on Tuesday 16th of February 1971. She is often nicknamed as Amanda Louise Hughes, Manda, Amanda Louise Holden, Amanda Holden. According to year of birth 1971 Amanda belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 16th of February means Amanda is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.Amanda was married 2 times.

Amanda Louise Holden's spouse

She is married to Chris Hughes

Amanda is white british. She is citizen of United Kingdom. Amanda´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know Amanda also as film actor, stage actor. Amanda is recently known as television presenter.

Amanda Holden's family

Amanda Holden's husband

He is known as record producer. Her husband was born on Wednesday 3rd of March 1954 in London.

Amanda Holden's ex husbands

Les Dennis

Amanda Holden and Les Dennis have been together since 1995 for 8 years. He is known as actor. Her ex husband was born on Monday 12th of October 1953 in Garston.

Amanda Holden's schools

We found 2 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: Swanmore College of Technology, Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts.

Amanda Holden's career

Her main focus is to be actor. Amanda is famous thanks to Kiss Me Kate, Cutting It.

Is Amanda Holden gay ?

Amanda is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Amanda Holden's Awards

  • She was nominated for a 2004 Laurence Olivier Theatre Award for Best Actress in a Musical of 2003 for her performance in "Thoroughly Modern Millie", performed at the Shaftesbury Theatre.
  • Won the Theatregoers best actress in a musical award for he performance in 'Shrek' on London's west end stage.

What else you don't know about Amanda Holden ?

Her middle name is Louise.

What Amanda Holden has done for a first time

  • Her first TV appearance was in 1990 at the age of 19 as an unsuccessful contestant on Cilla Black's dating game show Blind Date (1985).
  • Gave birth to her first child at age 34, daughter Alexa Louise Florence Hughes, on 1/20/06. Child's father is her fiancé (now second husband), Chris Hughes.

Amanda Holden's quotes

  • I had a weekend job in a shoe shop to get me through college. I had a grant, but when you study in London you need as much money as you can get. I also once sprayed perfume in Boots for a week, but I couldn't stand the smell.
  • [after hearing Susan Boyle's performance of I Dreamed a Dream on Britain's Got Talent 2009] That's the biggest wake-up call ever.
  • [Susan Boyle] She'll be an international superstar - but I don't think she'll have longevity. This world is fickle; we pick people up and spit them out just as quick.
  • [to Susan Boyle for the Britain's Got Talent 2009 final] I am proud you represent Britain so brilliantly. I just want to apologize for...the way we treated you before you sang the first time. You made me and everyone else look very stupid.
  • [listening to Susan Boyle on CD] Her voice rang out in the darkness and it was the most ethereal, spiritual moment ever.
  • [on Susan Boyle] She's gone from a woman who nobody knew to worldwide fame.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Amanda Holden's body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Amanda Holden looks. We will focus on Amanda´s body shape, eye color and hair color. Body build is slim. Amanda´s eyes are tinted brown - dark. Amanda´s hair is shade of blonde.

Latest news about Amanda Holden

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