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Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes's biography

Amanda Bynes is 36 years old television presenter born at Thousand Oaks. She was born on Thursday 3rd of April 1986. She is often nicknamed as Chicky. According to year of birth 1986 she belongs to Millennials. Birthday on 3rd of April means she is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

She is native english speaker. She is citizen of United States of America. She is an adherent of judaism. Her primary profession is to be television presenter. You can know her also as singer, voice actor, film actor, television actor, actor. She is recently known as fashion designer.

Amanda Bynes's schools

We found 4 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: University of California, Los Angeles, Thousand Oaks High School, Young Actors Space, Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising.

Amanda Bynes's career

Her main focus is to be television presenter. She is famous thanks to Hairspray.

Awards and competitions

Amanda Bynes's Awards

  • Currently filming episodes of her show What I Like About You (2002) and going on different talk shows. She was also nominated for two Kids' Choice Awards for the 17th Annual KCA Awards, scheduled for her 18th birthday. [January 2004]

Amanda Bynes's Rankings

  • Ranked #46 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 women of 2008 list.

What Amanda Bynes has done for a first time

  • First concert she ever attended was Britney Spears'.
  • First concert was the Spice Girls. She always wanted to be Posh.

Amanda Bynes's Donations

  • She donated many items to Rocky Stone to be given to less fortunate kids as part of the Toy Mountain Campaign.

Amanda Bynes's quotes

  • The first time I got the script, it said The Amanda Show (1999) on it. I thought they were kidding. I'm still little Amanda, and to be getting my own show, it's like, oh, my gosh! - at age 13.
  • I'm the type of person who believes that everything happens for a reason, and at the time that it's supposed to. So now...other ideas are coming up for other movies and everything is just happening really wonderfully.
  • People don't recognize I'm getting older. They see reruns of All That (1994) so they assume I'm ten years old. I'm 16. I'm almost 5' 8". I'm driving now.
  • I'm a positive person. People should find happiness in the little things, like family.
  • I want to be looked at as an adult actress. That's why I didn't want to do a big movie when I was 11. I was waiting till I was a little bit older.
  • Whatever is meant to be will be and you just have to trust that things happen for a reason. It's made handling disappointments that much easier because I just remember my mom's words and know that something better is meant to come my way.
  • I want to be known for the work I've done, as opposed to where I go on Saturday nights...I like to let loose just like anyone else, but I don't want to be photographed doing it.
  • I love movies that have a good story. I love movies that make you feel good about yourself but I also love movies that make you walk away thinking about them. I like things that have, you know, something to them.
  • Every person is so different and I don't think there is an exact match for every person. If you meet someone and they have 20 of the 25 things you want in a person, then you're pretty lucky.
  • Going to another country you're not in your house, you're with people you've never met before, and I think it's definitely a good growing experience.
  • I don't like being compared to anyone or being in a class with someone. I'm a teen actress and therefore I'm competing against Hilary Duff. We're different people like everyone else.
  • I get a script and it's really interesting with scripts, because you never really know. It's paper and it could be great or awful. Even scripts that are good could end up not working.
  • I like the dress-up part. In real life, I'm into sweats and never like that, but I do like to get dressed up--like most girls.
  • People have a preconceived notion about who I am and it's interesting. It's like picking who you want to win for the Oscars and not seeing the movie.
  • We try to magnify the difference between Americans and the English. In real life they like the same music and dress the same. It's really much more similar than anyone thinks or how we show it.
  • I'm really excited about my life. You only get one and I want to enjoy it.
  • I'm so protected in my Nickelodeon bubble and "What I Like About You." It's all pretty much the same people I've worked with and it was pretty protected.
  • I loved Clueless (1995). That was one of my favorite movies of all time.
  • I'm so against it. People should strive to be happy with who they are and not be obsessed with how they look. Beauty is nothing.
  • I think women look better and better as they get older, but there is some pressure on them to look a certain way. I personally think we should grow old gracefully. Like, my mum has great hair and it's beautiful. It looks natural.
  • (On college) "I knew that I wanted to be a performer of some sort, like an actress or a comedian, when I was really young, so I worked for that."
  • I am doing the best I can and I don't want to ever be compared to somebody that great because then when someone sees me they'll say, 'No, she's not that good.' But I'm working hard and I hope that I can eventually live up to that title.
  • (On her parents, Richard and Lynn) "I love them because they accept me for who I am and they love me with all my faults. I am so grateful for them. I want to be with them forever. This is a good time to tell you! I'm never leaving!"
  • I think I'll go out as much as I've ever gone out...which is not a lot. I like to dance and stuff, but drinking isn't good for you in every way. It's not good for your skin; it makes you feel horrible. So, drinking-wise, no.
  • When I was 15, I got a haircut from a famous hairstylist in L.A. She gave me a short shag. I'm a Jewish girl with curly hair. When it dried naturally, it was atrocious.
  • I don't feel like I belong to that world. The truth is, I'm happy in my little life. (On the Hollywood scene.)
  • There is nothing less attractive than a guy who is a jerk and has an ego.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Amanda Bynes's body shape

Lets describe how Amanda Bynes looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.

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