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Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano's biography

Alyssa Jayne Milano is 50 years old actor born at Bensonhurst. Alyssa was born on Tuesday 19th of December 1972. She is often nicknamed as Lyssa, Conan, Lyssie, Lissy-Girl, Alyssa Jayne Bugliari. According to year of birth 1972 she belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 19th of December means she is Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fiery sign of Zodiac Belt. These people are highly learned and love to gain knowledge throughout their life.

She is native english speaker. Alyssa is white american. Alyssa is citizen of United States of America. Alyssa is roman catholic. Alyssa´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as television actor, film actor, singer, film producer, voice actor, stage actor, fashion designer, human rights activist, television producer. Alyssa is recently known as child singer. She received Young Artist Awards Who's the Boss? in 1985

Alyssa Milano's family

Alyssa Milano's ex husband

Cinjun Tate

Alyssa Milano and Cinjun Tate have been together since 1999 for a year. He is known as singer. Her ex husband was born on Monday 25th of May 1970.

Alyssa Milano's schools

We found 1 school She attended. Name of the school: Buckley School (California).

Detailed informations about Alyssa´s schools

  • Attended the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, California.

Alyssa Milano's career

Her main focus is to be actor. Alyssa is famous thanks to Whos the Boss, Melrose Place and Charmed. You could see Alyssa also in Who's the Boss?. Alyssa is also a member of Silence Breakers.

Is Alyssa Milano gay ?

Alyssa is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Alyssa Milano's Awards

  • She received award for Young Artist Awards for work Who's the Boss? in 1985
  • She received award for Young Artist Awards for work Who's the Boss? in 1987
  • Alyssa received award for Kids' Choice Award for Favorite TV Actress for work Who's the Boss? in 1988
  • Alyssa received award for Kids' Choice Award for Favorite TV Actress for work Who's the Boss? in 1989
  • She received award for Kids' Choice Award for Favorite TV Actress for work Who's the Boss? in 1990

Alyssa Milano's Rankings

  • Ranked #5 in Stuff magazine's "102 Sexiest Women in the World" (2002).
  • Ranked #28 on VH1's list of "The 100 Greatest Child Actors of All Time" and #30 among the 100 Greatest Teen Stars.
  • Named #6 in FHM's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2005" special supplement, then ranked #22 in the 2006" supplement.
  • Was ranked #5 in E's 50 cutest child stars all grown-up (2005).
  • Ranked #34 on Maxim's "Hot 100" of 2014 list.

Alyssa Milano's Nominations

  • She was nominated for Kids' Choice Award for Favorite TV Actress for work Charmed in 2005

What else you don't know about Alyssa Milano ?

Her middle name is Jayne.

What Alyssa Milano has done for a first time

  • Along with her co-stars Owen Wilson, Jenna Fischer and Christina Applegate, Milano is one of four actors from the film Hall Pass (2011) to become a first-time parent the same year the film was released.

Alyssa Milano's Donations

  • Donated a signed "Who's the Boss," collector's item to the "Building for the Future Campaign" fundraiser that helped get the South Shore YMCA in Staten Island, New York built.

Alyssa Milano's quotes

  • Alyssa's favorite saying is "It's nice to be important, but it's important to always be nice."
  • Every time I decide I want a child I get another pet. I have 3 dogs, 13 birds and 3 horses, what does that tell you?
  • I've always believed in experiencing everything in life. When you walk out with blinders on, you cut yourself off from the angels and the fairies.
  • "I turned vegetarian after 9/11. A friend of mine came back from New York and said that he couldn't stand the smell of burnt flesh. It immediately reminded me of a barbecue." - On her decision to become a vegetarian.
  • I'm a big believer in individual responsibility.
  • First, accept sadness. Realize that without losing, winning isn't so great.
  • In my book, the number-one sign that you're all grown up is when your baby brother's giving YOU piggyback rides!
  • If you've been sexually harassed or assaulted, write "Me Too".
  • [on continuing to deal with symptoms months after her COVID-19 diagnosis]There are still lingering effects, like I still have shortness of breath. I still have heart palpitations. I have, like, a high-pitched noise in my ear. My hair is falling out.
  • My very first date was with Kirk Cameron. I was 13. His mom picked me up at my parents house and dropped us off at Stanley's in Sherman Oaks. He wore too much cologne.

Alyssa Milano's height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color

Lets describe how Alyssa Milano looks. We will focus on Alyssa´s height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color and shoe size. She is tall as 5' 2" (157 cm). Alyssa weights 110lbs (50 kg). Body build is average. Her eyes are tinted brown - dark. Alyssa´s hair is shade of brown - dark. If you are really curious, you may find interesting her shoe size is 6.

Latest news about Alyssa Milano

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