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Alexei Sayle

Alexei Sayle's biography

Alexei Sayle is 70 years old screenwriter born at Liverpool. He was born on Thursday 7th of August 1952. According to year of birth 1952 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 7th of August means he is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

He is citizen of United Kingdom. His primary profession is to be screenwriter. You can know him also as television actor, film actor, comedian. He is recently known as writer.

Alexei Sayle's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Chelsea College of Art and Design, Alsop High School.

Alexei Sayle's career

His main focus is to be screenwriter.

Awards and competitions

Alexei Sayle's Awards

  • In 1995, he was awarded an Honorary Professorship, Thames Valley University.

Alexei Sayle's quotes

  • At least Thatcher was insane. I think that Blair's insane and sanctimonious.
  • It seems easier to make a career out of comedy now than it was in the 1980s. Now, as a comic, if you're vaguely amusing you can go straight into TV, then you play the O2 and then everyone's sick of you.
  • I did six series for the BBC and that was enough. I've been writing for ten years, which is more challenging artistically.
  • Everyone I used to work with is still alive and can afford expensive lawyers. For me, the showbiz memoir is uninteresting - you want to tell people something they don't know about.
  • [on Ben Elton] We all felt with Ben that what motivated him primarily was popularity and power. But the problem with pursuing that popularity, I think, for him, is that it can never make you happy.
  • Israel is the Jimmy Savile of nation states. It clearly doesn't care about damaging the lives of children.
  • I like a laugh.
  • Recently one of my friends decided to become a psychotherapist, so we all rallied round to help. We all went mad.
  • [on Sting] He said to me, "You're really funny, aren't you?" And I said, "Yeah".
  • I'm in that situation where music's left me. Once they stopped selling CDs I gave up really. I don't know how to download really.
  • [on "Blue" by Joni Mitchell] That album is just pure poetry really.
  • One of the few things Top Gear (2002) was never accused of was being insufficiently Marxist.
  • Cacking up your own house is a British Obsession.
  • We're like a really great disease. We're like the Jehovah's Witnesses of the Universe. There is Life out there, but it's hiding, because they don't want to meet us.
  • It was when I heard The Goons that I realised Comedy didn't have to be funny. It could be more like jazz: a load of wank.
  • Every time someone goes mad in Britain, the Freud Family gets 5p.
  • I learned the lesson that, even after the revolution, cool, handsome and confident is always going to beat weird-looking and needy
  • All you get from a Public School, right: 1 you get a top job and 2 you get an interest in perverse sexual practices.
  • Being an only child was like taking an extraordinarily long train trip. You had to keep finding ways to pass the time.
  • I found working in an office that a tribal mentality developed where no-one cared how they behaved.
  • I always seem to want the ones who don't want me. Like Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He said we could be friends and go rollerskating.
  • Ah, John, he's the intelligent one. He's in the Police Force.
  • People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs
  • [Dogcatcher Compilation] There can be no Alienation, and therefore no Mental Illness, in the Soviet Union.
  • Successful writers aren't inventive at all. They just have really interesting friends!
  • What have I been doing between series? Well, I've been doing a lot of staring off into the middle distance, rocking backwards and forwards while humming.
  • My parents were both Communists, and they told me that religion was the opium of the people. Which made opium a bit of a surprise when I tried it!
  • When I was young, I was very heavily into drug abuse. I used to run into Boots and shout insults at bottles of paracetamol.
  • [Thatcher] had a Messianic sense of her own rightness.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Alexei Sayle's body shape

Lets describe how Alexei Sayle looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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