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Alan Tudyk

Alan Tudyk's biography

Alan Tudyk is 51 years old character actor born at El Paso. He was born on Tuesday 16th of March 1971. According to year of birth 1971 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 16th of March means he is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.

He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be character actor. You can know him also as film actor, television actor, stage actor. He is recently known as voice actor.

Alan Tudyk's schools

We found 3 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Juilliard School, Lon Morris College, Plano Senior High School.

Alan Tudyk's career

His main focus is to be character actor. He is famous thanks to Firefly.

Alan Tudyk's quotes

  • I was a real ham as a child. I'd insist on dressing up as a cowboy whenever the family went out for dinner. In high school, I was a menace. I'd fake nose bleeds and fainting spells to panic my teachers.
  • There aren't too many new actors like Alan Arkin or Gene Hackman who exist on their own frequency, do things in a way that nobody else could get away with. Those are the people who are inspirational to me.
  • In high school I wanted to be a hotel manager. If you're an actor, you don't have any money and I wanted to have a wife and children. Now I'm an actor with money but I still don't have a wife and children!
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Alan Tudyk's body shape

Lets describe how Alan Tudyk looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Alan Tudyk

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