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Alan Hale Jr.

Alan Hale Jr.'s biography

Alan Hale MacKahan Jr. is 69 years old television actor born at Los Angeles. He was born on Tuesday 8th of March 1921. He is often nicknamed as Jonas Grumby, Alan Hale MacKahan Jr., Alan Hale Jr., Alan Hale. According to year of birth 1921 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 8th of March means Alan is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.

Alan is white american. He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be television actor. You can know him also as film actor, restaurateur, character actor, stage actor. He is recently known as actor.

Alan Hale Jr.'s dad

Alan Hale Jr.'s father's name is Alan Hale. He is known as film actor. Alan´s father was born on Wednesday 10th of February 1892 in Washington, D.C.. Alan´s father died on Sunday 22nd of January 1950. Alan Hale was 29 years old, when this happened.

Alan Hale Jr.'s mom

Alan Hale Jr.'s mother's name is Gretchen Hartman. She is known as actor. Alan´s mother was born on Saturday 28th of August 1897 in Chicago. Alan Hale Jr. was born when she was 24 years old. Alan´s mother died on Saturday 27th of January 1979 in Los Angeles. Gretchen Hartman was 58 years old, when this happened.

Alan Hale Jr.'s schools

We found 2 schools Alan attended. Complete list of schools: Hollywood High School, Black-Foxe Military Institute.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Attended and graduated from Hollywood High School, in Hollywood, California (1938).
  • Attended Blacke-Fox Military School in Los Angeles, California.
  • Attended high school with Mickey Rooney, Nanette Fabray, Joseph Wapner, Alexis Smith and William Schallert.

Alan Hale Jr.'s career

Alan´s main focus is to be television actor. Alan is famous thanks to Gilligans Island.

Is Alan Hale Jr. gay ?

He is known to be straight.

How did Alan Hale Jr. die

Alan died on on Tuesday 2nd of January 1990 when he was 69 years old at Los Angeles. Alan Hale Jr.s death was caused by thyroid cancer. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Alan Hale Jr.'s Awards

  • He was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6653 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on 2/8/60.

What else you don't know about Alan Hale Jr. ?

His middle name is Hale.

What Alan Hale Jr. has done for a first time

  • Had known Bettina Reed Doerr, his first wife, since childhood. They were married for 20 years until their divorce in 1963.

Alan Hale Jr.'s quotes

  • Of course, I never met a man who didn't like dad.
  • [Who said of his long career]: I was making a movie in India and they called me "Skipper Sahib".
  • I don't so much enter it, I put it on.
  • [Who said in 1988 about his best remembered role]: I must say, "The Skipper" has become my alter ego. I'm one and the same now.
  • I've got to say, my Goodness sakes.
  • [When asked about his success of selling vacuum cleaners]: It's like feeling out an audience. You gotta make 'em feel it's their machine from the moment you walk in.
  • Reality is determined not by what scientists or anyone else says or believes, but by what the evidence reveals to us.
  • [In 1985]: I'm just delighted to say people all over the world, whether I have my cap or not, 'Hello, Skipper, Hello Skipper,' it's like standing in-front of the fireplace, it's a lot of warmth.
  • Our reception has been overwhelming. The Iranian people have been extremely warm.
  • [Addressing the creator of Gilligan's Island (1964)]: Thank you, Sherwood Schwartz, for our great fun in doing the show, and for giving me the best friend I ever had, the Skipper.
  • I love the irony - I've spent over 400 hours of my life looking for comets, and haven't found anything, and now, suddenly, when I'm not looking for one, I get one dumped in my lap.
  • [In 1979]: I've never enjoyed a picture I didn't enjoy doing. I've worked on big budget and small budget films, and I've liked them all.
  • [In 1952]: It's risky and difficulty to try and substitute for a legend, because any star who has passed on is glowingly remembered. If the studios want me for the same type of roles my father did, I'll give it a whirl.
  • [In 1978]: Everywhere, we were asked the same question - 'When are you going to get off the island?' It's nice to pick up right where we left off. It's as though we worked last week and not 14 years ago.
  • My father's real name was Rufus Edward MacKahan. He changed his name to Alan Hale on the advice of a numerologist.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Alan Hale Jr.'s height, body shape

Lets describe how Alan Hale Jr. looks. We will focus on Alan´s height, body shape. Alan is tall as 6' 2" (188 cm). Body build is large.