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Al Gore

Al Gore's biography

Al Gore is 74 years old politician born at Washington, D.C.. He was born on Wednesday 31st of March 1948. According to year of birth 1948 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 31st of March means he is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

He is native english speaker. He is citizen of United States of America. He is an adherent of baptists. His primary profession is to be politician. You can know him also as financier, businessperson, journalist, climate activist, environmentalist. He is recently known as writer.

Al Gore's dad

Al Gore's father's name is Albert Arnold Gore.

Al Gore's mom

Al Gore's mother's name is Pauline LaFon Gore.

Al Gore's family

Al Gore's ex spouse

Tipper Gore

Al Gore and Tipper Gore have been together since 1970 for 40 years.

He has 2 daughters.

Al Gore's daughter: Karenna Gore

Al Gore's daughter's name is Karenna Gore. She is known as lawyer. His daughter was born on Monday 6th of August 1973 in Nashville.

Al Gore's daughter: Kristin Gore

Al Gore's daughter's name is Kristin Gore. She is known as writer. His daughter was born on Sunday 5th of June 1977 in Carthage.

Al Gore's schools

We found 5 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Harvard College, Vanderbilt University, Defense Information School, St. Albans School, Vanderbilt University Divinity School.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • Graduated with honors from Harvard University, with a degree in government. [1969]
  • Attended Vanderbilt University Divinity School and Vanderbilt Law School.

Al Gore's career

His main focus is to be politician. He is also a member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Awards and competitions

Al Gore's Awards

  • Receiving The Webby Lifetime Achievement Award for taking the initiative to help create the Internet.

What Al Gore has done for a first time

  • Is the first Democrat in the 21st century to win the popular vote but still lost the presidential election. Hillary Clinton was the second.
  • He is the first and so far only Vice-President (in fact of all Vice-Presidents and Presidents in all) to have been born in America's capital city itself, Washington D.C.

Al Gore's quotes

  • Dr. Laura Schlessinger's words make me sick to my stomach.
  • [on TV show "Nightline", 5/5/86, regarding the unsuccessful launch of an unmanned rocket shortly after the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion] To use a Southern euphemism, our space program has been snake-bit.
  • I work very hard to get in touch with my feminine side.
  • You know the old saying: you win some, you lose some... and then there's that little-known third category.
  • A zebra does not change its spots.
  • [observation, August 2017] We've never had a president who's deliberately made decisions, the result of which is to tear down America's standing in the world.
  • In every area of policy that affects the climate, President Trump has surrounded himself with a rogues' gallery of climate deniers. And they appear to be intent on doing almost everything they can to destroy a sensible climate policy.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Al Gore's body shape

Lets describe how Al Gore looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Al Gore

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