Agustí Villaronga's biography
Agustí Villaronga is 69 years old film actor born at Palma. He was born on Wednesday 4th of March 1953. According to year of birth 1953 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 4th of March means he is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.
He is citizen of Spain. His primary profession is to be film actor. You can know him also as film director. He is recently known as screenwriter. He received Gaudí Award for Best Director Black Bread in 2011
Agustí Villaronga's career
His main focus is to be film actor. You could see him also in Black Bread, Moon Child, The Belly of the Sea and many more.
Awards and competitions
Agustí Villaronga's Awards
- He received award for Gaudí Award for Best Director for work Black Bread in 2011
- He received award for Gaudí Award for Best Original Screenplay for work Black Bread in 2011
- He received award for Goya Award for Best Director for work Black Bread in 2011
- He received award for Goya Award for Best Original Screenplay for work Moon Child in 1990
- He received award for Goya Award for Best Film for work Black Bread in 2011
- He received award for Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for work Black Bread in 2011
- He received award for Q110853089 for work The Belly of the Sea in 2021
- He received award for Q110853318 for work The Belly of the Sea in 2021
Agustí Villaronga's Nominations
- He was nominated for Goya Award for Best Film for work Black Bread in 2011
- He was nominated for Goya Award for Best Director for work Black Bread in 2011
- He was nominated for Goya Award for Best Director for work Moon Child in 1990
- He was nominated for Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for work Black Bread in 2011
- He was nominated for Goya Award for Best Original Screenplay for work Moon Child in 1990
- He was nominated for Gaudí Award for Best Director for work The Belly of the Sea in 2022
- He was nominated for Gaudí Award for Best Original Screenplay for work The Belly of the Sea in 2022
- He was nominated for Q55078466 for work The Belly of the Sea in 2021
- He was nominated for Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for work The Belly of the Sea in 2022
Agustí Villaronga's body shape
Lets describe how Agustí Villaronga looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.