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Adolfo Quinones

Adolfo Quinones's biography

Adolfo G. Quinones is 65 years old actor born at Chicago. Adolfo was born on Wednesday 11th of May 1955. He is often nicknamed as Shabba Doo. According to year of birth 1955 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 11th of May means he is Taurus. Taurus is most stable sign of Zodiac, that is the reason it is also included in the earthy sign of the Zodiac Belt. One born with this Moon Sign (Not a Rising Sign) is very stable and balanced through their mind.

He is native english speaker. Adolfo is multiracial american. He is citizen of United States of America. Adolfo´s primary profession is to be actor. You can know Adolfo also as choreographer, dancer. He is recently known as film director.

Adolfo Quinones's family

Adolfo Quinones's ex wife

Lela Rochon

Adolfo Quinones and Lela Rochon have been together since 1984 for 3 years. She is known as television actor. His ex wife was born on Friday 17th of April 1964 in Los Angeles.

Adolfo Quinones's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: American Film Institute.

Adolfo Quinones's career

Adolfo´s main focus is to be actor. Adolfo is famous thanks to Breakin`.

Is Adolfo Quinones gay ?

He is known to be straight.

How did Adolfo Quinones die

He died on on Tuesday 29th of December 2020 when he was 65 years old at Los Angeles. Adolfo Quinoness death was caused by arteriosclerosis.

Awards and competitions

Adolfo Quinones's Awards

  • He was awarded the 1989 Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award for Distinguished Choreography for "Stand-Up Tragedy" at the Mark Taper Forum Theatre in Los Angeles, California.

What Adolfo Quinones has done for a first time

  • Was crowned "Hip Hops first matinee idol", by Dance Magazine because of box office hits like "Breakin'", and Breakin II Electric Boogaloo".

Adolfo Quinones's height, body shape

Lets describe how Adolfo Quinones looks. We will focus on his height, body shape and hair color. He is tall as 5' 11" (180 cm). Body build is athletic. Adolfo´s hair is shade of brown - dark.

Latest news about Adolfo Quinones

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