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Adam Clayton Powell III

Adam Clayton Powell Iii's biography

Adam Clayton Powell Iii is 76 years old journalist born on in 1946. According to year of birth 1946 he belongs to Silent Generation.

Adam Clayton Powell Iii's dad

Adam Clayton Powell Iii's father's name is Adam Clayton Powell Jr.. He is known as politician. His father was born on Sunday 29th of November 1908 in New Haven. His father died on Tuesday 4th of April 1972 in Miami. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. was 26 years old, when this happened.

Adam Clayton Powell Iii's mom

Adam Clayton Powell Iii's mother's name is Hazel Scott. She is known as actor. His mother was born on Friday 11th of June 1920 in Port of Spain. Adam Clayton Powell Iii was born when she was 26 years old. His mother died on Friday 2nd of October 1981 in New York City. Hazel Scott was 35 years old, when this happened.

Adam Clayton Powell Iii's family

Adam Clayton Powell Iii's ex spouse

Beryl S. Powell

Adam Clayton Powell Iii and Beryl S. Powell have been together.

Adam Clayton Powell Iii's career

His main focus is to be journalist.

Adam Clayton Powell Iii's body shape

Lets describe how Adam Clayton Powell Iii looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.