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Zoë Bell

Zoë Bell's biography

Zoë E. Bell is 44 years old actor born at Waiheke Island. She was born on Friday 17th of November 1978. Zoe is often nicknamed as Zoe the Cat, Z, Zoë Bell, Zoë E. Bell. According to year of birth 1978 Zoe belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 17th of November means she is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.

She is white new zealander. Zoe is citizen of New Zealand. She is atheist. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as taekwondo athlete. She is recently known as film actor.

Zoë Bell's schools

We found 2 schools Zoe attended. Complete list of schools: Auckland Girls' Grammar School, Selwyn College, Auckland.

Detailed informations about her schools

  • Attended Auckland Girls' Grammar School and Selwyn College.

Zoë Bell's career

Zoe´s main focus is to be actor. She is famous thanks to Death Proof.

Is Zoë Bell gay ?

She is known to be straight.

Awards and competitions

Zoë Bell's Awards

  • At the 2005 MTV Movie Awards, Quentin Tarantino revealed that Zoe had broken bones in her back and she didn't realize it until a month later.
  • When a scene in Kill Bill: Vol. 2 won nominated for an MTV Movie award for best fight, and subsequently won, Zoe Bell accepted the award on Uma Thurman's behalf, appropriately since she was the one who did most of the fighting.

What else you don't know about Zoë Bell ?

Zoe´s middle name is E..

Zoë Bell's quotes

  • My job as a double was always to put [actors] at ease. My job was to make my character, or the actress that I was doubling, look as badass as possible by being there.
  • I had to paint the picture that I was never scared, otherwise I couldn't do my job. But now, as an actor, I'm literally paid to look emotionally accessible.
  • Actually my relationships with my girlfriends have become that much deeper and more profound, because I'm like, huh, yeah, I don't have to judge you, or you judge me. It was a lot of - I didn't want to be that crazy girlfriend.
  • When my physicality is involved, it's kind of my comfort zone, so I find it much easier to access emotions.
  • Part of the joy I'm discovering in acting is the fact that it's uncomfortable to me, that it's challenging, and the possibilities of always being able to improve on something, of always being able to try something new, it's intriguing and exciting.
  • My job has always been to not only make my character look like a badass but to also make the actor I am fighting opposite to be the character they need to be too.
  • Some of my best friends are like, "I love that you are just the biggest pussy on the planet." And I have no problem with it at all, I love it. But it took a long time to understand that that's a part of my tapestry.
  • People are far more protective [of women] instinctively.
  • I've always appreciated great acting performances, but I've even learned to appreciate not so great ones 'cause it's hard.
  • I'm a poster child for feminism whether I like it or not, but I was resistant to the part of me that was a woman.
  • I was interested in seeing how to branch out and sort of use the Internet more as a way of making and promoting movies. There's no real difference in making it successful - it's all down to the dedication of the people involved to make it a success.
  • I love acting. And if there's a niche that needs filling, I'm happy to get in there and try to fill it.
  • Humans sort of instinctively respond negatively to something that's not true.
  • I'm certainly not on a mission to be taken seriously as a dramatic actress, any more than I am just to be able to get roles that are exciting and satisfying to me. If that means action, then that means action.
  • Feeling fear is a good sign that your survival instincts are intact. You need to appreciate the dangers to stay safe.
  • When being a stunt double, my job has always a supportive role, which is interesting, really. Part of what I really like about it is making a situation where people can just come out of their shell and be super bad-ass. That's exciting!
  • In my career as a double, a lot of my job is to not just do the fights to make them look cool, but also to appear as the same person as the actor I am playing.
  • I would find it more difficult if somebody else was doing the action.
  • I think because I am a physical person, and because my way of expressing and performing and storytelling or explaining has always been with my body, if I can combine the two I find it really liberating.
  • The physical element of a role is something I'm super familiar with, and I love it. I've definitely made the transition into acting over doubling, just because I needed to make it clear to myself, so that I fully committed.
  • I like the debate, but I don't really like the fight. I don't like being in the ring. I'm not competitive.
  • Whatever my job description consists of, becomes my job. Maybe it's just the way I tackle work, in general.
  • I'm completely at ease on a set. I'm pretty comfortable most places, but hitting the mark and knowing set etiquette and understanding cameras and lenses are second nature. It's a language I've spoken for years.
  • The thing that I come across is that people think that I might actually be super aggressive, want-to-fight type in real life. The irony is that that's just not true, at all.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Zoë Bell's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Zoë Bell looks. We will focus on Zoe´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. She is tall as 5' 8" (173 cm). Body build is athletic. Zoe´s eyes are tinted green. Her hair is shade of blonde.

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