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Zasu Pitts

Zasu Pitts's biography

According to year of birth 1894 Zasu Pitts belongs to Lost Generation. Birthday on 3rd of January means Zasu Pitts is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

How did Zasu Pitts die

Zasu Pitts died on on Friday 7th of June 1963 when he was 69 years old. Zasu Pittss death was caused by cancer.

Awards and competitions

Zasu Pitts's Awards

  • She was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6654 Hollywood Blvd. on February 8, 1960.

What Zasu Pitts has done for a first time

  • Named "Zasu" because her mother's two sisters, Eliza and Susan, both wanted her named after them. Her mother did not want to disappoint either of them, so she formed the name from the last two letters of Eliza and the first two letters of Susan.
  • Legally separated from first husband Tom Gallery on November 24, 1926, she did not file for divorce from him until January 14, 1932. The final decree came ten weeks later.
  • Her first name is pronounced "Zay-soo".
  • A close friend from her high school days was Lois Nelson, who became Stan Laurel's first wife. They shared a Hollywood apartment while both were fledgling actors.
  • Charles Chaplin took an interest in her around 1917 or 1918 during her first brush with popularity. He actually signed her to a six-month contract but never used her.
  • She went to Los Angeles in 1916 and after doing extra work she had her first major role in Erich von Stroheim's Greed (1924).

Zasu Pitts's quotes

  • [on being fired by D.W. Griffith from The Greatest Thing in Life (1918) and having all her scenes cut out because she looked too much like star Lillian Gish] Of course, I was flattered. But I was out of a job again.
  • I was what they called a feature player, never a star. They say I was in 500 films, everything but the newsreels.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Zasu Pitts's body shape

Lets describe how Zasu Pitts looks. We will focus on Zasu Pitts's body shape. Body build is average.