Yunjin Kim's biography
Yunjin Kim is 49 years old actor born at Seoul. She was born on Wednesday 7th of November 1973. According to year of birth 1973 she belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 7th of November means she is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.
She is native korean speaker. She is citizen of United States of America. Her primary profession is to be actor. You can know her also as singer, film actor, dancer, television actor. She is recently known as voice actor.
Yunjin Kim's schools
We found 4 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: British American Drama Academy, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School, Boston University College of Fine Arts, Boston University.
Yunjin Kim's career
Her main focus is to be actor.
Awards and competitions
Yunjin Kim's Awards
- Narrated the award-winning documentary Behind Forgotten Eyes (2007).
- Screen Actors Guild Award-winning actress best known for her role as Sun on the hit television series LOST. She also starred in the ABC series Mistresses.
Yunjin Kim's Donations
- She has been appointed to the publicity committee of the American Red Cross. She appears in a poster promoting the donation campaign 'GIVE 100, NEW YORK'. The poster will be shown at the public place such as the bus stops in New York.
Yunjin Kim's quotes
- On her character on Swiri (1999): "I was playing a La Femme Nikita (1997)-type role - a North Korean spy who falls in love with her enemy. From then on, I played every cool girl with a gun. My nickname in Korean is "Woman Warrior".
- "I watched an auction on Ebay for my photo. It went all the way up to $15!" (In Style/Sept/2006)
- On her first acting break: "After graduating [from Boston University], I was cast in a Korean miniseries that took off. It was crazy! I became recognizable overnight." (In Style/Sept/2006)
- See also Other Works |Â Publicity Listings |Â Official Sites
Yunjin Kim's body shape
Lets describe how Yunjin Kim looks. We will focus on her body shape. Body build is average.
Latest news about Yunjin Kim
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