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Yukio Mishima

Yukio Mishima's biography

Yukio Mishima is 45 years old translator born at Japan. He was born on Wednesday 14th of January 1925. According to year of birth 1925 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 14th of January means he is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

He is native japanese speaker. He is citizen of Japan. He is an adherent of buddhism. His primary profession is to be translator. You can know him also as actor, novelist, film director, screenwriter, poet, essayist, playwright, lyricist, critic, model, film actor, writer, author, prosaist. He is recently known as military personnel. He received Shinchosha literature award The Sound of Waves in 1954

Yukio Mishima's dad

Yukio Mishima's father's name is Azusa Hiraoka.

Yukio Mishima's mom

Yukio Mishima's mother's name is Shizue Hiraoka.

Yukio Mishima's family

Yukio Mishima's ex spouse

Yōko Hiraoka

Yukio Mishima and Yōko Hiraoka have been together since 1958 for 12 years.

Yukio Mishima's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: University of Tokyo Graduate School for Law and Politics.

Yukio Mishima's career

His main focus is to be translator. He is also a member of Tatenokai.

How did Yukio Mishima die

He died on on Wednesday 25th of November 1970 when he was 45 years old. Yukio Mishimas death was caused by stabbing.

Awards and competitions

Yukio Mishima's Awards

  • He received award for Shinchosha literature award for work The Sound of Waves in 1954
  • He received award for Kishida Theatre Award for work Q11580365 in 1955
  • He received award for Yomiuri Prize for work The Temple of the Golden Pavilion in 1956
  • He received award for Q11631589 for work Q11622185 in 1958
  • He received award for Q10862323 for work Silk and Insight in 1964
  • He received award for Q11615990 for work Madame de Sade in 1965

Yukio Mishima's body shape

Lets describe how Yukio Mishima looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.