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Trevor Moore

Trevor Moore's biography

Trevor Moore is often nicknamed as TrevLocal Sexpot. According to year of birth 1980 Trevor Moore belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 4th of April means Trevor Moore is Aries. Aries is the most active sign of Zodiac, one born with this sign is a very quick learner, aggressive and passionate.

Trevor Moore's schools

Detailed informations about Trevor Moore's schools

  • He graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City with a Bachelor of Arts Degree.
  • Trevor graduated from the strict Covenant Christian School in Charlottesville, Virginia in 1998.

How did Trevor Moore die

Trevor Moore died on on Friday 6th of August 2021 when he was 41 years old. Trevor Moores death was caused by accident.

Awards and competitions

Trevor Moore's Awards

  • The WKUK success on the Internet and live shows led to an invitation to 2006 HBO U.S. Comedy Arts Festival. The Whitest Kids did not disappoint, winning the award for Best Sketch and attracting the attention of many Hollywood executives.

What Trevor Moore has done for a first time

  • His first project, "The Trevor Moore Show" was canceled after 11 months due to offensive content.

Trevor Moore's quotes

  • We had a home in Louisa County, but we basically lived on a bus until I was 8 or 10. When you're in a new town every night, you have to make friends fast, so you try to be funny.
  • I was bored a lot, he recalls, and I started writing jokes because there was really nothing else to do.
  • I got a lot of hate mail for that. People said that it was mean, offensive, that I was making blanket statements, which I was. But most people got that it was a joke.
  • It used to be that in comedy you had to play the clubs and work your way up,but now, before you do the clubs, you can put something up on the Internet. It's public access times a million.
  • Miss March is part buddy movie, part road picture and all sex comedy. Moore said it centers around two best friends from high school.
  • With anything you put out there, you're going to offend somebody, but most people get that it's a joke, that I'm playing a character, and that I'm actually making fun of what I'm saying by saying it.
  • You do get ripped off sometimes, and we felt like this was pretty blatant. But when MySpace put our clip up, we got 280,000 downloads.
  • It's a sweet, dirty movie. Moore said with a chuckle during a recent telephone interview from a promotional tour stop. It's a filthy, filthy movie with a lot of heart.
  • The script was sort of unorthodox in how it came to be. Fox actually came to us," Moore said. "We weren't crazy about the script, but Fox said we could completely rewrite it. It was like a road-trip sex-movie writing exercise."
  • There have been dozens of details to keep track of for Miss March, Moore said. We had to join the Writers Guild and the Directors Guild.
  • They're really open, said Moore of his "Leno" corresponding They're never like, 'We need you to fit this.
  • As long as it's funny, there's not really anything that's off limits. As long as it's not just mean-spirited to be mean-spirited.
  • I live off of Diet Coke and Nicorette.
  • I like Doug from The Civil War on Drugs. He's probably one of my favorite characters that we've written.
  • My parents don't watch the show. My dad has even flagged some of our sketches on YouTube. I guess he thought someone had to do it, but no, no they don't.
  • The John Williams sketch is long, but I really like it a lot. It has us all in it.
  • We're using the Civil War as a template for what we want to do next.
  • I'm the guy who's obsessed with Playboy. Moore said of his more laid-back character, Tucker Cleigh.
  • The script was sort of unorthodox in how it came to be. Fox actually came to us, Moore said. We weren't crazy about the script, but Fox said we could completely rewrite it. It was like a road-trip sex-movie writing exercise.
  • With every sketch, our attitude was 'I think this is funny right now. You throw it all against the wall, and the stuff that stuck made for a great repertoire.
  • I loved it, because it meant people were watching. If you got more than one letter from somebody who said they hated you, it meant they kept watching.
  • Pax was family oriented, but we were making this for a late-night audience. About halfway through our run, I found out that they had been re-airing the show at 9am on Saturday morning. So it was a perfect storm of problems.
  • Most of my teachers didn't like me. I didn't get good grades because I pretty much lived at the public access studio. I tried to be the class clown, so I spent a lot of time in detention.
  • Sundance, MTV, and Comedy Central were all talking to us about doing a pilot, but Fuse was gung-ho about getting it started. They bought up a whole season's worth of 10 episodes.
  • We've been performing this stuff for years, and we've worked on making it for TV for months. It's like waiting for the bomb to go off, hoping people like it.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Trevor Moore's body shape

Lets describe how Trevor Moore looks. We will focus on Trevor Moore's body shape. Body build is average.