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Tom Bosley

Tom Bosley's biography

Thomas Edward Bosley is 83 years old voice actor born at Chicago. Tom was born on Saturday 1st of October 1927. According to year of birth 1927 Tom belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 1st of October means Tom is Libra. Libra sign depicts that it is all about “Balance”. It seems that their life is very balanced, however, things are way opposite as they always face unstable situations in order to balance it further.

He is white american. He is citizen of United States of America. He is jewish. Tom´s primary profession is to be voice actor. You can know Tom also as stage actor, film actor. Tom is recently known as television actor. Tom received Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Musical Fiorello! in 1960

Tom Bosley's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: DePaul University, Lake View High School.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • The son of Jewish parents, Dora (née Heyman) and Benjamin Bosley, Tom attended DePaul University in Chicago, a Catholic school.

Tom Bosley's career

Tom´s main focus is to be voice actor. Tom is famous thanks to Happy Days, Murder, She Wrote, Father Dowling Mysteries.

Is Tom Bosley gay ?

He is known to be straight.

How did Tom Bosley die

Tom died on on Tuesday 19th of October 2010 when he was 83 years old. Tom Bosleys death was caused by heart failure, lung cancer. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Tom Bosley's Awards

  • Won Broadway's 1960 Tony Award as Best Actor In A Leading Role (Musical) for playing the title role of Mayor Fiorello La Guardia in "Fiorello.".

Tom Bosley's Rankings

  • Howard Cunningham, Bosley's character on Happy Days (1974), was ranked #9 in TV Guide's list of the "50 Greatest TV Dads of All Time" [20 June 2004 issue].

Tom Bosley's Nominations

  • He was nominated for Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actor for work Million Dollar Mystery in 1988

What else you don't know about Tom Bosley ?

His middle name is Edward.

Tom Bosley's quotes

  • I want to help people with depression understand that there is hope, so that they can get the help they need to live rich, fulfilling lives.
  • Just like other illnesses, depression can be treated so that people can live happy, active lives.
  • Being a father to my family and a husband is to me much more important than what I did in the business.
  • My wife says that my tombstone will read, 'Here lies Mr. C, who used to be Mr. B.' So I think that's probably what I'll be remembered for.
  • You have to understand that during the course of our show, we were a family for five hours a day, five days a week, maybe four days a week. And we experienced the same things that we experienced in our own family.
  • I changed my mind because of a scene between Howard Cunningham and Richie. The father-son situation was written so movingly, I fell in love with the project.
  • Many people think that depression is something you just have to live with when you get older, but it's not.
  • So we had life, death, illness, everything - every emotional involvement we had, we experienced. And I think that made what we had to do on stage, stronger. We got very much involved in what we were doing.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Tom Bosley's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Tom Bosley looks. We will focus on Tom´s height, body shape, eye color and hair color. He is tall as 5' 6" (168 cm). Body build is average. Tom´s eyes are tinted brown - dark. Tom´s hair is shade of grey.