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Thelma Ritter

Thelma Ritter's biography

Thelma Ritter is 67 years old television actor born at Brooklyn. She was born on Friday 14th of February 1902. According to year of birth 1902 she belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 14th of February means she is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.

Thelma is white american. Thelma is citizen of United States of America. Thelma´s primary profession is to be television actor. You can know her also as film actor, character actor. Thelma is recently known as stage actor.

Thelma Ritter's schools

We found 2 schools She attended. Complete list of schools: American Academy of Dramatic Arts, John Jay Educational Campus.

Thelma Ritter's career

Her main focus is to be television actor. She is famous thanks to Rear Window.

Is Thelma Ritter gay ?

She is known to be straight.

How did Thelma Ritter die

Thelma died on on Wednesday 5th of February 1969 when he was 67 years old at New York City. Thelma Ritters death was caused by (heart attack). It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Thelma Ritter's Awards

  • Won Broadway's 1958 Tony Award as Best Actress (Musical) for "New Girl in Town" in a tie with her co-star, Gwen Verdon .
  • In 1958, Thelma Ritter and Gwen Verdon were the first to tie for the Tony Award. They won for their work and in the same show, "New Girl in Town"(Lead Actress in a Musical). Nine ties have since occurred, in various categories.

Thelma Ritter's Nominations

  • She was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for work All About Eve in 1950
  • She was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress
  • She was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress
  • Thelma was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress
  • She was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress
  • She was nominated for Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress

What Thelma Ritter has done for a first time

  • In 1958, Thelma Ritter and Gwen Verdon were the first to tie for the Tony Award. They won for their work and in the same show, "New Girl in Town"(Lead Actress in a Musical). Nine ties have since occurred, in various categories.

Thelma Ritter's quotes

  • [on being nominated for Best Supporting Actress four times in a row] Now I know what it feels like to be the bridesmaid and never the bride.

Thelma Ritter's body shape, hair color

Lets describe how Thelma Ritter looks. We will focus on Thelma´s body shape, hair color. Body build is average. Her hair is shade of brown - dark.