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Ted Chiang

Ted Chiang's biography

Ted Chiang is 55 years old writer born at Port Jefferson. He was born in 1967. According to year of birth 1967 he belongs to Generation X.

He is citizen of United States of America. He is an adherent of atheism. His primary profession is to be writer. You can know him also as science fiction writer. He is recently known as novelist. He received Nebula Award for Best Novelette Tower of Babylon in 1990

Ted Chiang's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Brown University.

Ted Chiang's career

His main focus is to be writer. He is famous thanks to Tower of Babylon.

Awards and competitions

Ted Chiang's Awards

  • He received award for Nebula Award for Best Novelette for work Tower of Babylon in 1990
  • He received award for Nebula Award for Best Novella for work Story of Your Life in 1999
  • He received award for Theodore Sturgeon Award for work Story of Your Life in 1999
  • He received award for Nebula Award for Best Novelette for work Hell Is the Absence of God in 2002
  • He received award for Locus Award for Best Novelette for work Hell Is the Absence of God in 2002
  • He received award for Hugo Award for Best Novelette for work Hell Is the Absence of God in 2002
  • He received award for Nebula Award for Best Novelette for work The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate in 2007
  • He received award for Hugo Award for Best Novelette for work The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate in 2008
  • He received award for BSFA Awards for work Exhalation in 2008
  • He received award for Locus Award for Best Short Story for work Exhalation in 2009
  • He received award for Hugo Award for Best Short Story for work Exhalation in 2009
  • He received award for Locus Award for Best Novella for work The Lifecycle of Software Objects in 2011
  • He received award for Hugo Award for Best Novella for work The Lifecycle of Software Objects in 2011

Ted Chiang's body shape

Lets describe how Ted Chiang looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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