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Surinder Kapoor

Surinder Kapoor's biography

Surinder Kapoor is 86 years old film producer born at Peshawar. He was born on Wednesday 23rd of December 1925. According to year of birth 1925 he belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 23rd of December means he is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

He is an adherent of hindu religion. His primary profession is to be film producer. He is recently known as film director.

Surinder Kapoor's family

Surinder Kapoor's ex spouse

Nirmal Kapoor

Surinder Kapoor and Nirmal Kapoor have been together.

He has 3 sons.

Surinder Kapoor's son: Boney Kapoor

Surinder Kapoor's son's name is Boney Kapoor. He is known as film producer. His son was born on Wednesday 11th of November 1953 in Meerut.

Surinder Kapoor's son: Anil Kapoor

Surinder Kapoor's son's name is Anil Kapoor. His son was born on Monday 24th of December 1956 in Mumbai.

Surinder Kapoor's son: Sanjay Kapoor

Surinder Kapoor's son's name is Sanjay Kapoor. He is known as actor. His son was born on Sunday 17th of October 1965 in Mumbai.

Surinder Kapoor's career

His main focus is to be film producer.

How did Surinder Kapoor die

He died on on Saturday 24th of September 2011 when he was 86 years old at Mumbai. Surinder Kapoors death was caused by cardiovascular disease.

Surinder Kapoor's body shape

Lets describe how Surinder Kapoor looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.