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Stanley Baker

Stanley Baker's biography

William Stanley Baker is 48 years old film producer born at Ferndale. He was born on Tuesday 28th of February 1928. William is often nicknamed as Stanley Baker, William Stanley Baker, Stan. According to year of birth 1928 William belongs to Greatest Generation. Birthday on 28th of February means William is Pisces. Pisces is a Watery Sign. They are very intuitive people. They are empathic, emotional and highly spiritual in nature.

He is white welsh. William is citizen of United Kingdom. His primary profession is to be film producer. You can know William also as stage actor, film actor. William is recently known as television actor.

Stanley Baker's schools

We found 1 school He attended. Name of the school: Ferndale Community School.

Detailed informations about his schools

  • At his peak he earned £120,000 for each film he made, at a time when the average house cost just £3,000. He owned a large house in London and a holiday villa in Spain, while his children attended private schools in England.

Stanley Baker's career

His main focus is to be film producer.

Is Stanley Baker gay ?

William is known to be straight.

How did Stanley Baker die

William died on on Monday 28th of June 1976 when he was 48 years old at Málaga. Stanley Bakers death was caused by lung cancer and pneumonia. It happend like natural causes.

Awards and competitions

Stanley Baker's Awards

  • He was awarded the freedom of Ferndale, and in a ceremony which he attended in 1970, the local council placed a plaque on the house where he was born.

What else you don't know about Stanley Baker ?

His middle name is Stanley.

Stanley Baker's quotes

  • It's impossible to direct yourself in a movie.
  • I'm a dedicated Socialist first of all, I suppose, because ... I saw the things that happened to ... my family, and to the people around me. That sort of existence must stay in your mind.
  • I made up my mind years ago, that the best parts in films always went to the villain. I was determined to corner the bad man's market.
  • If it hadn't been for one man, just one man who luckily took me up, I would have always hated school and I would probably have ended up as one of the criminals I've played too many times on the screen.
  • I was a complete dud at school. I hated school. I got into awful trouble. Before I met Welsh school teacher Glyn Morse every teacher thought of me as a good-for-nothing.
  • Mine is a hell of a face, but it keeps me in work because there aren't many like it.
  • [Of Sybil Williams] We came from the same village. We were close friends. When I heard that Rich [Richard Burton] and Sybil had got together, I thought, "The lucky bastard". She was the best thing that ever happened to him.
  • [on working with Jeanne Moreau in Eve (1962)] She was fine, but I don't subscribe to the opinion held in certain circles that she's infallible and the greatest actress to appear on the screen.
  • I did enjoy working with Ursula Andress. People like Honor Blackman are professional actresses with whom there is no bother.
  • It's obvious what Accident meant. It meant what was shown on the screen. One of Joe's problems is that he tends to wrap things up too much for himself. I think that 75% of the audience didn't realise that Accident was a flashback.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Stanley Baker's height, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Stanley Baker looks. We will focus on his height, body shape, eye color and hair color. William is tall as 5' 10" (178 cm). Body build is average. His eyes are tinted brown - dark. His hair is shade of brown - dark.