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Sherilyn Fenn

Sherilyn Fenn's biography

Sheryl Ann Fenn is 57 years old actor born at Detroit. She was born on Monday 1st of February 1965. Sherilyn is often nicknamed as Sherri. According to year of birth 1965 Sherilyn belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 1st of February means Sherilyn is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.

She is native english speaker. Sherilyn is white american. Sherilyn is citizen of United States of America. Sherilyn is roman catholic.

Sherilyn Fenn's schools

We found 2 schools Sherilyn attended. Complete list of schools: Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, West Bloomfield High School.

Detailed informations about her schools

She studied high school - Beverly Hills High School, Beverly Hills, California, USA.

Sherilyn Fenn's career

Sherilyn´s main focus is to be actor. Sherilyn is famous thanks to her role as Audrey Horne in the cult classic mystery drama television series Twin Peaks, for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe Award and an Emmy Award.

Is Sherilyn Fenn gay ?

Sherilyn is known to be straight.

Sherilyn Fenn's boyfriend

Johnny Depp

Sherilyn Fenn and Johnny Depp have been together since 1985 for 3 years. He is known as film director. Sherilyn´s boyfriend was born on Sunday 9th of June 1963.

Awards and competitions

Sherilyn Fenn's Awards

  • (March 27, 1993) Attended the 8th Annual Independent Spirit Awards.

Sherilyn Fenn's Rankings

  • Chosen by FHM magazine as one of the "100 Sexiest Women in the World" (ranked #10). [1995]
  • Chosen by Wizard magazine as one of the "25 Sexiest Women of TV" (ranked #22). [March 2008]
  • Chosen by FHM magazine as one of the "100 Sexiest Women in the World" (ranked #62). [1996]
  • Ranked #32 in AOL's "50 Sexiest Women on TV of All Time" list. [November 2007]
  • Her Twin Peaks (1990) character Audrey Horne was chosen by UGO.com as one of the "50 Best TV Character of All Time" (ranked #24). [2008]

What else you don't know about Sherilyn Fenn ?

Sherilyn´s middle name is Ann.

What Sherilyn Fenn has done for a first time

  • Inspired writer Sherilyn Connelly who took from Fenn the first name she goes under.
  • Originally set to guest star in the Frasier (1993) episode, Frasier: The First Temptation of Daphne (2001), but was unavailable when the episode was rescheduled. [2001]

Sherilyn Fenn's quotes

  • [in "Orange Coast", 1/99, on the subtext that attracted her to the role of Helena in Boxing Helena (1993)] Women do feel like they're in a box. Society, Hollywood, some men . . . they want to wrap women up in a neat little package.
  • [in "Orange Coast", 1/99] I've never wanted to do the same thing twice. If a script doesn't surprise me in some way, I simply can't commit to the project.
  • [in "Orange Coast", 1/99] I'm honest. I say what I feel. I try to be tactful, but I can't not say what I feel. I have a really big problem with that.
  • [in "Orange Coast", 1/99] My acting has always been about doing things that I can grow from, that say something, or should be heard.
  • I got into acting by a complete fluke. I was 17 and it was like, "I don't wanna go to high school, what will I do? I don't know. Let's see . . . I'll act!" So I was doing films before I had even taken an acting class.
  • [on her Playboy bunny experience] I worked there for two months when I was 19. I needed rent money and they were paying more to stand at the gift shop than I'd have got working at a clothing store. And I thought the costumes were cute.
  • [on her movie debut] I remember blowing my first scene. I said 'Cut!' I didn't know the director was supposed to say that.
  • [[interviewed by M.J. Simpson, 10/1/97, on guest-starring in Friends (1994)] Matthew Perry was darling and very funny. All my scenes were with Matthew, basically, so it was fun. I like the show. I was happy to be a part of it.
  • [[interviewed by M.J. Simpson, 10/1/97, on Boxing Helena (1993)] I liked "Boxing Helena". I think it was an almost impossible story to tell. Although it has some flaws, I think it's neat. I think it's a really neat story; it's a beautiful story.
  • [in "Sky" magazine, 7/92] The world has certain rules - Hollywood has certain rules - but it doesn't mean you have to play by them, and I don't, or I'd be a miserable person.
  • [in "Detour" magazine, 5/95] I don't know why people see the things that they do. I wouldn't pay to see them, they don't touch me or move me in any way.
  • [in "Exposure" magazine, 9/90] I try to keep myself centered. I don't go to parties and all that. I don't think being seen or being in the right place is going to make me a better actress. I care about my work and try to do what's right in my heart.
  • People who think they know me would be surprised that my whole life doesn't revolve around sex. [The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 21, 1995]
  • [in "Haircut & Style", 3/91, on her role in Wild at Heart (1990)] David [David Lynch] told me, "I envisioned this broken China doll, all bloody, and ranting and raving, and it was you".
  • All are one and yet here we appear to be separate and therefore truth has many faces. And they are all relevant.
  • I'm contemplating moving to London for a period of time. I've been in Los Angeles for 15 years and I'm really tired of it. I'm continually uninspired by what's being sent to me. Even by huge films that they're doing there. They're just awful.
  • The difference between working with a man and a woman... is immense.
  • Society, Hollywood, some men... they want to wrap women up in a neat little package.
  • Boxing Helena was... not perfect, but I think for the story that we were trying to tell, it turned out pretty good. What it signified was really powerful to me: how society puts us in boxes one way or another.
  • [performing nude again] My job as an actor is to show life, and fortunately relationships between men and women are a beautiful, positive part of life. So if the role is written well and I feel it's necessary, I would do it again.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Sherilyn Fenn's height, weight, body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Sherilyn Fenn looks. We will focus on Sherilyn´s height, weight, body shape, eye color and hair color. Sherilyn is tall as 5' 4" (163 cm). Sherilyn weights 123lbs (56 kg). Body build is slim. Her eyes are tinted blue. Her hair is shade of black.

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