Patricia Velasquez's biography
Patricia Carola Velásquez Semprún is 51 years old actress born at Guajira, Venezuela. Patricia Velasquez was born on Sunday 31st of January 1971. Patricia is often nicknamed as Patricia Velásquez, Patricia Carola Velásquez, Patricia Carola Velásquez Semprún. According to year of birth 1971 Patricia belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 31st of January means Patricia is Aquarius. Aquarius is an Airy sign. They are smart thinkers, social, communicative, independent and intelligent people.
Patricia Velasquez is multiracial venezuelan.
Detailed informations about Patricia Velasquez's schools
Patricia studied high school - San Vicente de Paul High School, graduating in 1987.
Patricia Velasquez's career
Patricia Velasquez's main focus is to be actress. Patricia Velasquez is famous thanks to Anck-Su-Namun in The Mummy and The Mummy Returns.
Is Patricia Velasquez gay ?
Patricia is known to be lesbian.
Awards and competitions
Patricia Velasquez's Rankings
- Ranked #16 in Stuff magazine's "102 Sexiest Women in the World" (2002)
What else you don't know about Patricia Velasquez ?
Patricia´s middle name is Carola.
What Patricia Velasquez has done for a first time
- Spent the first four years in her life in Paris. After Paris, the family relocated to Mexico for a few years then returned to Venezuela.
- She is the world's first openly lesbian Latina supermodel.
Patricia Velasquez's quotes
- There was a time when I used to live in Spain that it went really crazy with drugs and stuff like that.
- OK, I've been very wild, but I've never really been the sort of person who goes that crazy!
- You need a routine, to be able to spend some time with a person, and my lifestyle is constantly on the move.
- Always work hard, be honest, and be proud of who you are.
- It takes one person to give you a big chance.
- I have no doubt I was someone very interesting in a past life.
- Every time you play a bad girl or guy in a movie, you really come from a place of pain.
- If there is one creature that represents my essence, it's butterflies.
- Thank God I had all these family values or who knows where I'd be now.
- I used to be a dancer, and for me it was a really good combination of dance and acting.
- I enjoyed working as a model a lot as it let me travel and I got to do some really interesting projects.
- If I need something, even a pair of socks, my assistant has to get them for me.
- I think if I could have a boyfriend like my brothers I'd be really happy. But without the brother thing.
- So struggling for work here has been very good for me, but it's also been very hard to handle rejection.
- I live in New York and I was only there for 2 weeks all last year.
- Clothes, thank God I can get them from designers.
- See also Other Works |Â Publicity Listings |Â Official Sites
Patricia Velasquez's height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color
Lets describe how Patricia Velasquez looks. We will focus on Patricia Velasquez's height, weight, body shape, eye color, hair color and shoe size. Patricia is tall as 5' 8" (173 cm). Patricia Velasquez weights 129lbs (59 kg). Body build is slim. Patricia´s eyes are tinted black. Patricia Velasquez's hair is shade of black. If you are really curious, you may find interesting Patricia Velasquez's shoe size is 8.5.