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Mike Epps

Mike Epps's biography

Mike Epps is 52 years old comedian born at Indianapolis. He was born on Wednesday 18th of November 1970. According to year of birth 1970 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 18th of November means he is Scorpio. Scorpio is a watery sign. These people are very intense in their thoughts. They always learn from the transformatory phase of their life.

He is citizen of United States of America. His primary profession is to be comedian. You can know him also as film producer, director, television actor, film actor, voice actor, screenwriter, singer, writer. He is recently known as rapper.

Mike Epps's schools

We found 2 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Arlington High School, Arsenal Technical High School.

Mike Epps's career

His main focus is to be comedian.

Mike Epps's quotes

  • To have longevity in this business, you have to reinvent yourself. You can't keep doing the same stuff. Sometimes I've turned down stuff and lost money.
  • She didn't break his heart, but I feel like a man is supposed to be a man, he ain't supposed to be all involved in that. That's why she got sisters and friend for. Just show up with the ring and act right.
  • On 'Friday,' I had a big trailer, and we would have a barbecue going and music playing. It was a fun set. There was too much involved for 'The Hangover' to be a fun set. They're trying to get money.
  • I've been with this young lady for about two years now, and my life changed. I don't even think that way no more. I feel good, too, that I'm changed. Now I feel regular. I feel like I'm supposed to.
  • I can remember when I was a baby and my mother was there watching the show. I went and bought 100 episodes and watched them. I respect it so much that the sitcom itself and Ed Norton; I'm not playing Ed Norton but my version of it, cause I'm a black man.
  • You know how Hollywood is: They just follow suit.
  • Yeah, I don't mess with chicks younger. They got to be almost thirty.
  • Well, I think Hollywood, to be quite honest, I think they've run out of material.
  • The whole Miami Heat team is my least my favorite athlete. Why? Because they keep beating my Pacers.
  • You would be surprised of films that people just don't see. You know what I mean? I'm always working and I'm a film buff but I'm an old school film buff.
  • I've been doing comedy and paying my bills.
  • I'm telling a Richard Pryor story through me.
  • I would love to play Magnum P.I.
  • I watch old school film so that I can learn so much that I just sort of miss all the new stuff.
  • I love Richard Pryor. I love him to death.
  • Cedric, man, it's like if I'm working with you, like I'm sitting here now talking to you, I want to get along with you. That's how I am. I feel like if I get along with you, the work will be splendid.
  • With Ice Cube they ain't no telling. He might have one cocked and loaded, ready to bust. We might do The Sunday, two old men sitting around the house waiting on the social security check.
  • I used to be a dusty little child.
  • I left Indiana, and I ain't been back since. I've been doing comedy and paying my bills.
  • I don't know why people think I'm this ad-lib dude.
  • You know, my life's changed now. I'm starting to experience what people are really supposed to do. You supposed to be married. You're supposed to have a family, kids, treat your wife right.
  • I learned that you don't have to be all over the place, that you can be subtle and you can say what you say. The words that you put together can be just as hilarious as falling all over the place or doing something.
  • Honestly, I feel like I am a leading man, and it's just going to take the right project, the female and the right studio. It's got to all gel together, you know what I mean?
  • Federal prison, if you get any of it, you're going to have to do 85% of it. And the reason why I called it that is because I had a friend who got sent to the federal joint and his whole... it wasn't about him being in jail. He cried about the 85%.
  • You know, you can't make the people do what you want them to do.
  • We all take losses and it's about getting up and coming back.
  • I'm gonna have to develop myself. I'm just going to do the best that I can do.
  • I think in life, the sense of humor and comedy always exists.
  • I don't know nothing about no marriages or nothing. I ain't even never been to a wedding.
  • Everybody that's living in this earth is living in a situation. It's not narrow-minded to the point where everybody is serious and nobody has a personality. I think people die telling jokes.
  • I'm humble enough to wait and just chill. I'm having fun just working with these good people, man.
  • But I'm real conscious about what I do. I don't care what the label is. I'm looking at the outcome of it.
  • Just the fact that I'm in the game is great. I'm just blessed to be working. I got a plan, but I'm humble and I try to be humble.
  • I'm a survivor of life. I try to give the glory to God and appreciate what's happening to me.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Mike Epps's body shape

Lets describe how Mike Epps looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

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