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Maulik Pancholy

Maulik Pancholy's biography

Maulik Navin Pancholy is 48 years old television actor born at Kissimmee, Florida, USA. He was born on Friday 18th of January 1974. According to year of birth 1974 he belongs to Generation X. Birthday on 18th of January means Maulik is Capricorn. These people are stable in nature. As the sign lord is “Saturn”, the person will be judgemental in his approach.

He is native english speaker. He is asian/indian american. Maulik is citizen of United States of America. Maulik´s primary profession is to be television actor. You can know Maulik also as film actor, actor, voice actor. He is recently known as stage actor.

Maulik Pancholy's schools

We found 4 schools Maulik attended. Complete list of schools: Yale School of Drama, Northwestern University, Northwestern University School of Communication, Berkeley Preparatory School.

Detailed informations about Maulik´s schools

  • Graduated from the Master's degree in Acting program at the Yale University School of Drama. [May 2003]
  • Graduated from Berkeley Preparatory School in Tampa, Florida (High School Diploma, Class of 1991).
  • Graduated from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois (Bachelor's, Theatre Major, Class of '95).
  • Attended the Groundlings Improv School in Los Angeles. Other well-known Groundlings alumni include: Melissa McCarthy, Will Ferrell, Lisa Kudrow, Kristen Wiig, and Maya Rudolph.
  • Born in Dayton, Ohio, and grew up in Ohio, Indiana, Texas and Florida. He attended junior high and high school in Tampa, Florida.
  • Attended Berkeley Preparatory School in Tampa, Florida with comedian Bert Kreischer. Also attended Yale school of Drama with TV host Adam Richman.

Maulik Pancholy's career

His main focus is to be television actor. He is famous thanks to 30 Rock, Weeds.

Is Maulik Pancholy gay ?

He is known to be gay.

What else you don't know about Maulik Pancholy ?

Maulik´s middle name is Navin.

Maulik Pancholy's body shape, eye color

Lets describe how Maulik Pancholy looks. We will focus on Maulik´s body shape, eye color and hair color. Body build is slim. His eyes are tinted brown - dark. Maulik´s hair is shade of brown - dark.