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Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban's biography

Mark Cuban is 64 years old film producer born at Pittsburgh. He was born on Thursday 31st of July 1958. According to year of birth 1958 he belongs to Boomers. Birthday on 31st of July means he is Leo. As sign in itself indicates “Lion” or “King”, hence people born under Leo sign are considered to be leaders in every aspects of life. They are royal in nature.

He is citizen of United States of America. He is an adherent of judaism. His primary profession is to be film producer. You can know him also as voice actor, blogger, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, businessperson, children's writer, politician, film actor, financier. He is recently known as television producer.

Mark Cuban's schools

We found 4 schools He attended. Complete list of schools: Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana University, The Jean and Samuel Frankel Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Detroit, Indiana University Kelley ինչ School of Business.

Mark Cuban's career

His main focus is to be film producer.

What Mark Cuban has done for a first time

  • After he sold his first company he tried acting without much success and even auditioned for a role in the film Twister in 1996 but lost out to Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Mark Cuban's Donations

  • As a publicity stunt, worked at a Dallas area Dairy Queen for a day. His "pay" was donated to charity.
  • Has donated money to Democrats and Republicans.

Mark Cuban's quotes

  • [on the one thing he would want to hang on to if he should lose all his money and possessions] Diapers. I have little kids. Everything else I could figure out, but I would need those diapers.
  • I hate politics. It's slimy. Any job where people pander for votes I don't like. The country has gotten so partisan that if you're not on my side, you're the enemy.
  • I've had girlfriends where it was like "it's me or your business, and I was like "what was your name again?"
  • I try to look at every situation differently. I try to be objective. I try to be informed. And if I'm informed, hopefully I can come to a conclusion that I believe in and am willing to back and do something about
  • [on if he would run for President in 2020]I would say the odds are extremely against it because my wife would divorce me. It's more a family issue than any other issue
  • It's not my all-time dream to be President of the United States
  • [on why he began supporting Donald Trump] In the beginning he was a business person and I wanted to see a change from the traditional politician but then he went and opened his mouth
  • The one thing in life you can control is your effort
  • [on Donald Trump]Look, personally I don't have a problem with the guy. Now professionally as the president, I think he's an idiot. You know, I never thought he was smart in talking to him.
  • See also Other Works |  Publicity Listings |  Official Sites

Mark Cuban's body shape

Lets describe how Mark Cuban looks. We will focus on his body shape. Body build is average.

Latest news about Mark Cuban

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